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Ann Lessem

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I truly appreciate the difficult job you have and I know you are trying to be as fair minded as possible. However, I was very disheartened to see that the latest Congressional District map breaks Broomfield into three Congressional Districts (CD2, CD7, and CD8). As you are likely aware, the city and county of Broomfield are the same. So by breaking the county into three districts, you are splitting the city into three districts as well. You might also be aware that Broomfield used to span four counties (Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld), which proved to be a real bureaucratic nightmare for residents and for governing entities. Therefore Broomfield worked very hard to become its own county and accomplished that feat - becoming the second coordinated city/county in the state. Since then we've worked very hard to function as one jurisdiction. Being broken into three congressional districts will make this much more difficult, as well as once again, pulling our community apart. Please take this into consideration as you prepare a final map to submit at the end of Sept. Thank you very much for your consideration of this issue.


Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Eagle County should remain in CD3. A number of conflicting issues would work against Eagle and/or Boulder when future legislative and management actions are considered. Those conflicts would be to the detriment of sound decision-making. Thank you, John Chizmadia

Kathryn Canges Wallace

Commission: both

Zip: 80003

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I am concerned about the number of Legislative Districts that cross multiple county lines. This is particularly of concern with the House District maps. One of the criteria for the maps is that they honor existing county lines. This is important for several reasons. Counties are by definition communities of interest. County governments are important partners in legislating. It is also difficult for representatives to serve the interests of multiple counties. When just a small section of a county is represented by a legislator, those sections will get much less attention and representation. Where the population is dense, like in the metro area, there's no reason that county lines couldn't be honored or at least taken into consideration. Please revisit the maps with an eye to county lines as these seem to have been completely ignored. Thank you. Kathryn Wallace, Arvada, CO.

Barb Robinson

Commission: both

Zip: 81505

Submittted: September 16, 2021


In western Colorado we enjoy a different kind of life from the people who live in and around Denver. Our lifestyles are different, but our need for representation is not. Redistricting, when used as a political tool to take away the power of our votes, is completely unfair. Please try to remember that. Thank you.

Karin Delaney

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I have no idea how you decided that Loveland best fits with the northeast portion of Weld County! We are not a rural community, and our demographics are far more like Ft. Collins, than Eaton! We are an urban, up and coming city, whose interests would not be well served by your latest version of redistricting. Please reconsider.

Lisa Hollister

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 16, 2021


As a resident of the City AND County of Broomfield, I am appalled at the idea of my city being split into two congressional districts. The most current map cuts through neighborhoods, placing parts in district 7 and parts in district 8. This division strikes at the heart of being one community, and places an extra burden on city and county resources in working with two separate sets of congressional staff to address city/county-wide issues. This is a poor solution that harms Broomfield, so please correct it.

Randi Freyer

Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 16, 2021


We as eagle country should not be redistricted to cd2 but reman in cd3. Our input will never be heard against a much bigger Boulder County. We have different needs as a smaller community and shouldn't be lumped in with any district so far away.

Fredel Wiant

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81004

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I strongly favor a proposal similar to the Tafoya proposal, that is based on a southern community of interest that includes Pueblo, the San Luis Valley, and the Arkansas Valley.

Staci Nichols

Commission: both

Zip: 81625

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I am against this redistricting plan. Moffat County and Boulder County are NOT the same and we have different economic approaches. We have seen this happen in Illinois, California, Oregon and Washington. Urban areas do not speak for rural, rural do not speak for urban because the needs are DIFFERENT. This new districting map violates the interest of our state as stated in the Colorado Constitution 44(3)(b). Please, I beg you, do not redistrict unless ASKED by the counties and following the Colorado Constitution. The US and the Colorado Constitutions are our foundation as a country and state. Please use that and keep our voices in consideration.

William Watkins Jr.

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80504

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I support the formation of the 8th district as outlined by the September 15'th submission by the commission staff. The grouping of the growth areas in southern Weld, with Thornton will align with the interests of the people in this region far more effectively than the current map (2010). 1) We all have common water issues in this district as land use shifts from farming to suburban residential. 2) We all have common issues with oil and gas development in this basin, (perhaps not the same plans), and are more likely to be able to work with a common congressional representative if and when any consensus is worked out on future development. 3) Air pollution issues in this district are likely to require a united effort over this district very soon as the requirements to reduce ozone and particulate (smoke) pollution will require a district wide effort. Having a common representative to congress could significantly reduce the complexity of negotiating with the EPA and the courts on these issues. Thanks for your consideration. William Watkins Frederick, CO