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Commission: congressional

Zip: 81611

Submittted: September 16, 2021


You need to take Pitkin County out of CD 3. We haven't had representation in years! We have exactly zero in common interests with Mesa, Delta, Rio Blanco, and Moffat, counties. Garfield County elected leaders are hostile to and actively work against Pitkin County. Pitkin County's interests has been ignored by US congressional representatives for decades. It's time that Pitkin County is paired with other ski resorts and communities who share interests of saving public lands, saving our water, limiting oil and gas drilling, building more employee housing, and making our part of Colorado a more livable place for everyone who lives and works here..

Melanie Koppes

Commission: both

Zip: 80534

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I am a 4 year resident of Johnstown and a 48 year resident of Colorado. I am very proud to live in Weld county and plan to reside here until my children graduate from high school. Johnstown has been my favorite place that I have lived in Colorado, It has a strong sense of community and small town atmosphere. Our sister community, Milliken, is family to us. We share a recreation center, a grocery store, ice cream shop, many restaurants, and school district. We may have different town councils and police departments but we are one community. To divide these two communities would only be done by someone who knows nothing about the Johnstown/Milliken area. Therefore I do not support being placed into CD2 but rather into CD8 if a change must be made. Keeping the two towns together and placing us among other like minded communities makes the most logical sense.

Beric Christiansen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81637

Submittted: September 16, 2021


My wife and I want Eagle county to remain in CD 3. The current proposal has us in CD 2 with Boulder. We have virtually nothing in common with Boulder so why put us with a county over 100 miles away? We are on the west side of the mountains so are more aligned with that area of the state. boulder can align with the Denver-Loveland-Ft. Collins- Aurora area where it has close proximity. Keep Eagle county in CD-3.

Jeff Young

Commission: both

Zip: 80015

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Hi! Would it be possible to see an overlay of the current districts versus the proposed districts or does this exist somewhere? It's hard to see exactly what these changes are going to do without knowing the before and after. Thank you!

Vicky McLane

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Thank you Commissioners for putting together a sensible and equitable map for the State Representative Districts. I appreciate the commonalities that you recognized in the Fort Collins area with the respective Districts shown on the map. Our public policy concerns are many, and the residents of these Districts are very active in expressing their opinions. A very healthy situation in my opinion

Joseph Smith

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 16, 2021


It has come to my attention that the redistricting proposal in June which kept the rural and urban counties in separate congressional districts has been changed to combine the rural counties of Chaffe, Custer, Fremont, Park and Teller with urban Jefferson County. The needs of rural communities and urban communities differ from one another. For example, rural communities have needs centered around ranching and agriculture which an urban community would not understand. Conversely, urban communities have issues regarding urban transportation and infrastructure that do not concern rural communities. To that end, these differing communities should not be placed in the same district whose lone Congressional representative will most likely favor the needs of constituents residing in the more-populated urban communities, since the number of votes in urban communities far outnumber those in rural communities. The September redistricting map that places Fremont County and other rural counties in Congressional District 7 with urban Jefferson County serves as an injustice to rural county residents. Instead, the June preliminary districting map is the best proposal which meets the differing needs of both rural and urban counties since each district will have its own Congressional representative. At the very least Custer, Chaffe, Fremont, Park and Teller Counties should be placed in one or separate RURAL districts alongside other rural communities with constituents sharing similar needs and interests. You are urged to incorporate the June preliminary district map and disregard the September map, or any similar district-realignment proposal that places rural counties in urban districts. As a resident in rural Colorado, I expect my district representative to have an ear trained toward hearing my voice and the voices of my neighbors without distraction from those who reside in urban communities.

alan Musser

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631-1688

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Eagle should remain in district 3. This county has very little in common with Boulder. Our representatives should reflect west slope values not boulder values.

Misty Plowright

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80915

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I was informed the Commission was having issues with the previous map I submitted. I don't recall exactly which map it was, so if the commission is still having issues loading it, please replace it with this one: The Southern District I have created splits Colorado Springs, contrary to my last public comment in person. This is a result of me hearing the individual from the Ute Mountain Nation and the expressed desire for them to remain with the San Luis Valley and Pueblo. Given that testimony and population numbers, it becomes impossible to place all of Colorado Springs into a Southern District with Pueblo, SLV, *AND* the Ute Nation. Resultingly, I have split COS in a way that makes sense. I realize this map has several issues, but it has many positives as well and may serve to inform additional maps.

JoAnn Kalenak

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81419

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I am incredibly disappointed by the second, and close to final congressional redistricting map. You'll removed ANY political competitiveness in District 3. We will remain under the thumb of outdated, unethical and unprofessional Trumpsters.

Joyce Chizmadia

Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Boulder and Eagle should absolutely not be in the same district. Eagle has different needs than a front range community.