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Olivia Hutchins

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Broomfield is one community of interest and should not be split.

Steven Hooten

Commission: both

Zip: 80534

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Redistricting should be left to a neutral group made up of both Dems and Rep combined.

Betty Oglesby

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81416

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Thank you for the latest CD3 map on September 15, 21021. This map is fair and balanced for the Western Slope. It has a balance with the rural areas, agricultural as ranching and farming, water, natural resources, and lifestyles. Please leave this as your final map for CD3.

Kevin Baldwin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81433

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Keep western Colorado west of the metro area whole from the Wyoming border to the New Mexico border.

Lois Vanderkooi

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 16, 2021


As the youngest and smallest county in Colorado, we have become quite populated and are still growing. As a city and county, our government and council operates as both forms of government. We are incorporated under a home rule charter. We were split up among 4 counties before our incorporation and voted along with the state to become a city and county. It is important to keep us whole as we have worked together to be inclusive as we welcome immigrants, deal with neighborhood fracking, and become more sustainable environmentally, socially, and economically.

Julie Simons

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Broomfield has struggled for years and finally consolidated to survive. This redistricting plan is absolutely a farce. Splitting a COUNTY into two districts is an ignorant, lack of thought idea. It's either a heavy drinking committee or you have no concept of community. We are a city, County and one community.

Carolyn Rose

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81327

Submittted: September 16, 2021


We in Southwest Colorado get lift out . The big cities get the most votes always. They live in town why would they care if wolves are entered for one example. Just leave it alone. Always for the democrats.

James A Hull

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81004

Submittted: September 16, 2021


My name is James Hull and I am a registered voter in Pueblo County. I am writing you in support of the Tafoya plan. I feel his plan makes Pueblo an much more viable player in deciding what is happening not just in Southern Colorado, but around the whole state. Pueblo is a hard working diverse town and we would like a say in how our state is run and how we are represented in Washington. Once again the Tafoya plan is much better not just for Southern Colorado, but all of Colorado. Thank you for your time and God bless.

Kirk Pearson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Broomfield is one “community of interest.” Please do not divide it. Thank you.

Kenneth Lane

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81001

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I strongly urge the commission to reject the proposed 2nd staff "Coleman map" in favor of the "Tafoya map". The Coleman map is unfortunately a major step backwards in the commission's efforts to create competitive and community of interest congressional districts. Under the Coleman map, the 3rd district becomes an overtly partisan district. No one can seriously argue that a district that provides a 10-point partisan advantage to one party is in any way a competitive district. The geographical immensity of the new proposed 3rd CD is breathtaking--it encompasses three corners of the state, all the way from the far southeast to the far northwest and down to the far southwest, ensuring that no one area of this vast configuration will be adequately represented, regardless of who the legislator is. It appears that Pueblo County and the San Luis Valley are to be the sacrificial lambs to northern Colorado interests, again. The current 3rd CD configuration has not functioned very well. The community of interests actually compete with each other. The Coleman map continues this dysfunction and makes it worse. The proposed 3rd CD will remain heavily rural county-centered in whatever 3rd District is established The Tafoya map at least preserves the historic southern Colorado communities of interest and, unlike the Coleman map, gives the residents of the southern tier of the state at least a fighting chance to have their voices heard in Congress. The commission is obligated by Colorado law to "maximize the number of politically competitive districts. The Tafoya map makes the 3rd CD politically competitive. The Coleman map guarantees that it won't be.