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Patricia Will

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Please do not place the city of Loveland with Weld county for Congressional districting….. Leave Loveland in District 2

Cindy L Jones

Commission: both

Zip: 81094

Submittted: September 17, 2021


In Pueblo and southern Colorado we share the commonality of shared history and dependence upon water and agriculture advancement. The people of southern Colorado are concerned about not having a voice in Congress. The needs of the north are completely different from southern Colorado needs. For instance, a majority of our concern revolves around water rights and preparation for the future of Colorado. We as an area represent both the history and diversity of Colorado. We represent cultural diversity and belief in expansion of our community and our tourism.

Dave Fisher

Commission: both

Zip: 81507-1612

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Have you guys lost your minds trying to split Mesa County in 1/2. It seems pretty shady to voters that don't trust you already. Please leave things alone so the voters can decide if we want to keep certain politicians or not.

Doris Falls

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 17, 2021


OMG, I don’t want to lose Joe Neguse. He is a beloved congressman in our over 55 community! Please make sure we are represented by Joe Neguse

Jaclyn Bennett

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80467

Submittted: September 17, 2021


My name is Jaclyn Bennett, and I’m a resident of Oak Creek in Routt County. I am a stay at home mom, raising and homeschooling 2 children in our amazing nook of Colorado. We love everything about the rural, open, expansive, and enchanting area Routt county has to offer. I graduated from CU Boulder in 2006, and resided in Boulder county for a while after. Boulder is a very special place, there is no other place quite like it. It will always have a special place in my heart. At the same time, it’s not a place where I choose to plant roots and raise my family. While some may say Steamboat resembles a bit of Boulder, I completely beg to differ. I see Steamboat as an entire different community from Boulder. In regards to congressional maps, we would not be doing Routt county and all of its residence justice by lumping it into the same lines as Boulder. Residents in our beautiful Routt county need their voice to be heard, and I know we will loose so much if we are lumped in with Boulder. Please find a way to keep Routt county separate from Boulder and front range communities. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my comment. Please make us proud!

Carol Ward

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I am speaking on behalf of myself and no other group. I am a Colorado Native living in Routt County for the past 34 years. I do NOT live in the city of Steamboat Springs but in the rural county. I am protesting the map as drawn. Routt, Jackson and Grand are west slope counties and should NOT be lumped in with any front range counties but especially Boulder. Our concerns include west slope water rights, farming and ranching and tourism. We are, with the exception of the city of Steamboat Springs, conservative in our life outlook and are interested in attending the county fair and supporting 4-H kids, hunting and fishing. We do Not want Boulder County dictating our politics as it surely will since they have multiple times the population that we do. Our votes will no longer count and this is plain wrong headed. I testified prior to this and the majority of people testifying on the 9th wanted the west slope to stay together and not be dominated by front range counties. PLEASE listen to our concerns. We deserve better than the map you have drawn.

Vanessa Pinter

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80501

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Please keep front of mind 2014, how Republicans were able to win in many places now considers “safe Democratic areas.” They may well win again! It’s only been a few years. I am happy that Nutcase Ken Buck will no longer represent us in Longmont in this new proposal. He is not interested in the needs of urban or suburban communities, only caring to scapegoat hispanics and Democrats. He doesn’t deserve to represent any towns or cities. He does not even bother to reply to our letters or emails. Neither does he bother visiting or campaigning. However, the districts that gerrymander through Denver and Broomfield are nuts. That is a textbook case of drawing districts for political reasons. The city and county of Broomfield is one cohesive unit, that’s why they formed their own county! My relatives who live there are furious at this map. The majority Republicans districts are sure to allow the reps to continue to ignore any urban areas contained in them, just like Ken Buck flips off Longmont as he drives by. Please do not allow cities like Pueblo to be swallowed up by gigantic swaths of rural voters, their issues are sure to be purposefully opposed for the LOLs by any Republican rep. I like the idea of keeping all the northern front range cities together, placing all of Boulder county, and part of Larimer County, including Fort Collins, into a proposed 2nd Congressional District. Please keep Boulder County intact, we feel strongly attached to our county and our neighboring city of Boulder (many of us moved to Longmont from childhoods in Boulder.) Weld County is the enemy, just listen to our Mayor Bagley.

Christine Humphreys

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Why are you splitting up Broomfield. I don’t want this. I don’t want what little voice I have lessened.

Brad Morgan

Commission: both

Zip: 81625

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Stop the gerrymandering. The way you districts drawn, rural Coloradans will lose all voice in government as even a portion of the urban counties can overwhelm the rural areas totally in some cases. "Community of interest" is being manipulated to deprive all the conservative areas of the state of any voice in government as urban areas will take over all the voice.

Diane Fosket

Commission: both

Zip: 80534

Submittted: September 17, 2021


After looking at the other choices for redistricting for the Johnstown area this map seems to be the best choice for the community. Milliken and Johnstown should stay together in the same district. I ha k you for your time.