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David Young

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 28, 2021


I watched much of Monday’s meeting. Thanks to the commissioners for obviously taking their task seriously, listening well and doing their best. And being tireless. I heard an impassioned discussion about Greeley in the ‘bigger issues’ section. While CD8 presents a workable choice, for both Loveland and Greeley, Greeley is the best population center for CD4. It has its roots in the interests important to the rest of eastern Colorado district. The CD4 Congressional representative will find fertile common ground with Greeley. It’s a mistake to put Loveland in the position of having inadequate representation over the next 10 years by being in CD4, similar to complaints from other districts. Commissioner Schell’s comment was right. A representative elected mostly by eastern Colorado voters in CD4 is not likely to spend much time on interests of Loveland residents in an isolated offshoot of the district. You ended up with this conclusion in the later plans as you wrapped up your work. Keeping Loveland with appropriate parts of Larimer County and Fort Collins, plus the other education, tourism and technology-oriented communities in Boulder County serves those citizens, and indeed the citizens of Greeley, best.

Christopher Stimpson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80031

Submittted: September 28, 2021


My name is Chris Stimpson; I live in Colorado and I have been a leader in the renewable energy industry, involved with both wind and solar, since the early 2000s. Colorado is fortunate to have major wind industry assets throughout the 4th Congressional District, including Douglas County. This has been true and has made economic sense since 2011. The growth of alternative energy has been a tremendous economic boon for farmers and landowners on the Eastern plains, as anyone passing through them can see. What may not be so obvious, but is absolutely critical, is the extent to which this industry affects continued development in Douglas County. The file linked here is the planned development map that Xcel Energy used to justify just one transmission line (now in place), running from the eastern side of Colorado to the Pawnee-Daniels Park Substation: This transmission line is critical because of the amount of development planned for the metro area. It is critical that you take note of just how substantial the needs of the service area are: In the Denver, Arapahoe, and Douglas County Area, 70,465 residential units are planned for construction. 49% of these residential units that will be served by the wind energy sources using this transmission project are located in Douglas County. That means that Douglas County’s share is the greatest of the three counties shown. Even more striking is the non-residential development planned for these three counties. Of the 28.8 million square feet proposed for non- residential construction, almost 94% of that figure is commercial and other development throughout Douglas County. For those who say the Eastern plains are disconnected from Douglas County, these numbers tell a different story. Without the energy that is created and transmitted on the Eastern plains, none of this development in Douglas County will occur. And without the federal incentives that make the wind energy viable, the homes won’t be built and the businesses won’t open. The affected areas of Douglas County include but are not limited to Castle Pines, Parker, Lone Tree, and Stonegate – the very northern Douglas County suburbs that commissioners insist have nothing to do with counties to their east. For vital economic and long-term planning reasons, Douglas County must remain where it belongs – in a congressional district with the Eastern plains.

Molly Baker

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80467

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Hi I would like to see the Shuster map be adopted. Shared interests include the environment and tourism. This map makes the most sense to me. Thank you.

Renee Nelson

Commission: both

Zip: 80237

Submittted: September 28, 2021


To Whom It May Concern, I request that the Commission reconsider the latest suggested Redistricting map with a focus on House District 9. Based on the Commissions most recent map HD9 is gone, littered amongst other House Districts without rhyme or reason. Here in HD9, we have worked very hard with our local leaders to get them into office, yet with the Committee’s latest map several Democratic leaders Precincts will be shifted into other Democratic Districts or lose their seat completely, which obviously creates a problem. As far as HD9: House Representative Emily Sirota and State Senator Robert Rodriguez will no longer represent all of us despite our work. This is not acceptable. Now let’s look at it from their perspective: they have worked for many years building their careers while getting to know and growing relationships with their constituents, knocking on tens of thousands of doors. For them, that hard work in HD9 will be lost with your suggested map. As an individual who lives in Precinct 925/HD9, looking at the suggested changes to the map make no sense and hurts my community. With the amazing growth to Colorado in the last 10 years, I absolutely understand redistricting to keep the balance in many areas that have exploding populations like Stapleton, Lowery or the Front Range, to name a few, but HD9 is not one of them. I am requesting that House District 9 be put back to its original boundaries. Sincerely, Renée Nelson Precinct 925 HD9 & SD32

Jonathan Cefkin

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80231

Submittted: September 28, 2021


I am concerned about the legislative maps as drawn and specifically their impact on metro Denver residents. I feel Denver county is a community of interest. While I understand needing to have multi-county districts in rural areas, many residents of southeast Denver are drawn into districts with neighboring Arapahoe County. I feel this should be avoided as much as possible. For those interested in party politics, multi-county assemblies and conventions in the metro area are hard to schedule and navigate. On the current maps, the new House Districts 2, 3, and 9 all become multi-county districts. I would like to see Denver residents maintain their districts as much as possible and avoid splitting the communities of interest into multi-county districts.

Joan Davids

Commission: both

Zip: 81601

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Thank you Commissioners for finally listening to the citizens of Garfield and the surrounding West Slope on this issue. Though my husband and I had moved from Summit County just over 1 yeqr ago, we certainly understand how this area differs from the surrounding area. WE need the appropriate representation. We are very happy with the latest plan map. Rural Colorado deserves a seat at the table and this map delivers that by ensuring two rural districts. This newer map ensures we are well represented and not dominated by Denver Thank you."

Linda Miller

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 28, 2021


The Second Staff Plan for Colorado House Districts does a good job of keeping historically, community interest similarities and public policy concerns for Routt and Eagle County together. The Second Staff Plan for the Colorado Senate Districts also does a good job of keeping the interests of the northern counties that are strong economic recreation areas in summer fall and winter together. Both of these plans are workable and I support them.

Bruce Breslau

Commission: both

Zip: 80477

Submittted: September 28, 2021


As a resident of Steamboat Springs I am requesting that all the commissioners support Steamboat Springs to continue to reside in District 3. This is is the best interest of our City and Routt County. I appreciate the consideration and support of this request

Bonnie marlette

Commission: both

Zip: 81637

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Please keep Eagle county CD3 nothing in common with Boulder

Heather Riley

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81137

Submittted: September 28, 2021


The Commission should be applauded for listening to public comments and putting forth the September 23rd third staff plan map. Rural Colorado deserves a seat at the table and this map delivers that by ensuring two rural districts. The map includes contiguous geographic areas, has equal populations as required by the Constitution, preserves communities of interests, ensures Congressional districts are well represented and not dominated by Denver, includes compact districts, and maximizes the number of politically competitive districts. Well done Commissioners! Thank you. Heather Riley