Public Comments
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Leslie Patricia Kelly-Owens
Commission: both
Zip: 80521
Submittted: October 12, 2021
The reason Coloradoans voted for redistricting was to ELIMINATE partisan gerrymandering.
It is IMPERATIVE that you REJECT the gerrymandered maps being pushed through by Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kotwitz. It’s imperative that you push for transparency and NOT allow partisan operatives to work behind the scenes to create partisan strongholds.
Thank you.
Leigh Lampley
Commission: both
Zip: 81507
Submittted: October 12, 2021
It is appalling that Republican legislative Redistricting Commissioners Hunter Barnett (R) and Aislinn Kottwitz (R) are working with non-disclosing and unregistered GOP operatives to shove through last-minute maps. The last 11 months of idiocy and lies following the 2020 election show the perils of allowing this sort of blatant gerrymandering to continue.
Please reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwit.
Please accept the proposals from the nonpartisan redistricting Committee.
Joan MacEachen
Commission: both
Zip: 81301
Submittted: October 12, 2021
I am concerned that legislative Redistricting Commissioners Hunter Barnett (R) and Aislinn Kottwitz (R) are working with non-disclosing and unregistered GOP operatives to advance last-minute maps that would almost certainly ensure control for Colorado Republicans over the next decade. I hope the Independent Redistricting Commissions avoids the pitfall of partisan gerrymandering.
Kevin Allen
Commission: legislative
Zip: 80241
Submittted: October 12, 2021
I sincerely appreciate that the commission is taking the time to consider the Senate maps carefully and that one of the main concerns is around Adams county. To Commissioner Barnett's point about how to divide Thornton, I submit that even if Thornton were to be divided between 2 districts, the north-south configuration that puts the core of Thornton in with Northglenn and southern unincorporated areas does a great disservice to the growth that Thornton has experienced over the last decade and creates a non-competitive district where there should be at least one. I have nothing against Northglenn, but they are boxed in by Westminster and Thornton and have differing priorities than the growing cities that flank it. I also believe that given this commission's call to both keep municipalities whole and create competitive districts, that making Thornton its own Senate district should be a natural fit in both of these criteria. I still believe that there should be at least one Senator representing the 6th largest city in the state down in Denver. I hope and pray that this commission can find a way to both 1) keep Thornton whole, and 2) not dilute the influence of the large Hispanic population in southern Adams county and Commerce City. Thank you for all your hard work; it has not gone unnoticed.
Pamela Clifton
Commission: both
Zip: 80204
Submittted: October 12, 2021
Please, reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.
Becky Mabry
Commission: both
Zip: 80022
Submittted: October 12, 2021
Do not allow gerrymandering in Colorado. All voices should count not the minority fixing elections.
Cathy Hazouri
Commission: congressional
Zip: 80305
Submittted: October 12, 2021
Are all commissioners being transparent as to their goals for the commission. There are rumors that two of the GOP commissioners are working with operatives to strengthen the GOP hold on CO.
Lisa G. Fox
Commission: both
Zip: 80528
Submittted: October 12, 2021
We all need to take a stand for transparency.
Reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.
What the Republican Party is doing to the United States Of America is UnConstitutional and UnAmerican!
Hold the line for TRUE Americans!
Patrick Williams
Commission: both
Zip: 80015
Submittted: October 12, 2021
All maps need to be non-partisan, thus they need to be determined by the non-partisan staff & not subject to Republican influence or lobbying.
Dakota Serviente
Commission: congressional
Zip: 80012
Submittted: October 12, 2021
I am deeply troubled to learn that partisan maps are being submitted at the 11th hour that redraw Colorado districts to overwhelmingly favor Republican control of our legislature and therefore political control of the state. This fundamentally undermines the democratic process for all Coloradans by ensuring politicians choose their voters instead of voters choosing their politicians through elections. Please reconsider these last ditch efforts from partisan actors to subvert the democratic process of Colorado voters and reject the gerrymandered maps that are being proposed. In particular in areas like Aurora, CO, one of the most diverse cities in the country, the division of communities and neighborhoods will not only break up the voting power of people of color, but will also irreparably harm the state by silencing and marginalizing their voices and values. Please, please reconsider this action and strengthen Colorado’s democracy by creating fair and impartial maps that honor these communities and keep them whole.