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Henry Kroll

Commission: both

Zip: 80304

Submittted: August 10, 2021


What can be more important than empowering more and more people to participate in the democratic process than having confidence that their individual voting effort matters ? Why have tens of thousands in Colorado and elsewhere abandoned their franchise and dropped out the electoral process entirely ? Because banding together with the communities of interest as defined in Colorado rules and legalese seems impossible by continued use of the historic county and city lines which are often used to divide people within a geographic area and thereby empower monied interests to dominate the political process that turns many less wealthy folks away. It is time for change in Colorado.

Joanne Mclain

Commission: both

Zip: 80134

Submittted: August 10, 2021


I urge you to consider BIPOC neighborhoods as communities of interest for redistricting. I am not in that category but I value their unique interests and the values they bring to all of us.

Lucy Block

Commission: both

Zip: 80109

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Stop fooling around, rezoning is a waste of time and money which could be better spent in other area's.

Margot Devita

Commission: both

Zip: 80906

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Citizens in southwestern Colorado Springs have not been represented by Lamborn. Our values and voices are frowned out by the pro military pro religious right focus that Lamborn promotes. All of the county included in a district will dilute the unique voices of our neighborhoods.

Elizabeth Kay Marchetti

Commission: both

Zip: 80120

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Please expand the scope of interest to include all Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in the redistricting process!!

Dawn Broadbent

Commission: both

Zip: 80907

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Dear Sirs: I live in El Paso county and reside in Colorado Springs and I have lived here going on 9 years. I would like to express my chagrin at the changes that can happen when you involve redistricting a county. The changes in the long run usually create more problems and the true say of the county are buried under the politics and voting structure and the peoples voice is stifled and more than likely not perceived. Consider what are the consequences when you misrepresent the total choice and ignore the direct cause.


Commission: both

Zip: 80224

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Everyone is important and so are cities and counties

Terri Genson

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: August 10, 2021


dear Congressional Redistrcting Commission My name is Terri Genson, and I live in Lakewood. I’m writing with, during the comment session, with concern that everyone, including BIPOC have equal representation in redistributing. Certainly there are more than 6 areas of interest when considering redistributing, in our state! All BIPOC individuals need to be represented! Cherry picking areas is not equal representation, and not acceptable. Thank you for taking multiple looks, for other areas. Gerrymandering is unacceptable!

Gail Bernstein

Commission: both

Zip: 80222

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Redistribution should consider black and other communities of color as important.

James A Clark Jr

Commission: both

Zip: 80911

Submittted: August 10, 2021


Dear Congressional Commission, My Names is James A Clark Jr and though I grew up here from 1972-1977 and moved away, I moved back with my husband in Aug 2013 to see all the great changes here and improvements since I lived here as a teenager, I graduated from Widefield HS (and now we have two high schools!) and young adult in college. The thing I love most is my smallish unincorporated community of Security-Widefield, is though it has grown it is not like living in Colorado Springs, proper though we enjoy the amenities of the front range communities. Our community is diverse, military folks, civilians, retired people, families with children and without.We are racially diverse, culturally diverse. We even have LGBTQ+ neighbors who feel safe enough to hang out their flags. I've seen young LGBTQ+ couples holding hands walking which would never have been the case in the 1972-1977 timeframe I grew up in. My property is growing in value which I love, and our area alone is 55,000 + people as compared to much much less as a kid. I feel we are big enough w Fountain, CO nearby to have our own hospital in this area because we have not stopped growing. Our boundaries need to be protected from unfair redistricting gerrymandering which has affected many communities in Colorado and the states. I want to thank you for listening to my concerns for my area Sincerely James A Clark Jr