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Guyleen Castriotta

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Dear Commissioners, Please do not split up Broomfield County. We are the smallest County geographically and it makes zero sense to divide us and put us with districts we don’t share priorities with. We belong and align most with CD2 on transportation and the environment. We should not be grouped with rural/agricultural areas like Weld and Jefferson. I’m watching the hearing now and keeping Broomfield intact is not even a consideration. We became a County 20 years ago because it was confusing for our residents being served (and not very well) by four different counties. With a population of just 73,000, there’s no good reason to split up Broomfield County. Thank you, Guyleen Castriotta Mayor for the City and County of Broomfield

Carol Callicotte-Belmon

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80027

Submittted: September 13, 2021


The newest proposed map splits Boulder County into 3 separate Congressional Districts. I am writing to express my deep concern about this! The several towns in Boulder County, including Boulder, Louisville (my town), Superior, and Lafayette, share interests in many areas including environmental initiatives, climate goals, response to natural disasters, gun safety policies, school districts, transportation goals for the US 36 corridor and Highway 119. These municipalities are also aligned on public health, housing, and employment concerns. During the COVID crisis, our representatives worked district wide in a collaborative manner. I'd like to emphasize gun safety at an important issue at the federal level, and our community needs consistent representation. Please don't divide Boulder County at all, and especially not into 3 separate districts!

Mary Friedrichs

Commission: both

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Please do not split Boulder County up! We share common interest in environmental issues, transportation issues, land use management issues and other issues. We need to be able to speak as one voice, and should not be split into 3 parts. Thank you, Mary Friedrichs

Nancy George

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80516

Submittted: September 13, 2021


As the Sept. 13th proposed Colorado House and Senate districts are reflective of the common concerns and interests of the included communities regarding their citizens concerns about the environment (fracking), open space, health concerns, and education. Most of the residents either work in Boulder, Longmont, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville or north metro area. Traffic solutions surrounding Hwy 287 and Hwy 7 as well as development along those roads are also of interest to our community in Erie. The fact that Erie has ended up all together in one House and one Senate district is great to further help us work together as a community. Our community is oriented toward Boulder and suburban north Denver area, not the rural areas to the east of I-25. The Sept. 13 maps are much preferred to the initial staff maps.

Eileen Kintsch

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80302

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I question the wisdom of dividing Boulder County across three districts in the proposed redistricting map. Voters in theses geographically and social-culturally distinct areas (urban-suburban Bounder county and North-Western Grand-Mesa counties) do not share the same concerns and interests with regard to transportation, environmental, public health, and other issues. it is important to maintain coherence, some measure of voter unity in addressing these manifold problems. I urge members of the Redistricting Commission to reconsider this proposed map that would join together very different voter populations with disparate concerns and goals.

John Traylor

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81507

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am in full support of the latest staff Congressional redistricting proposal. As noted in my previous comments, I believe that strengthening east-west ties across our State would greatly help future economic growth, water management and political compromise on the Western Slope. I remain disappointed that the comments of so many of our current elected officials remain backward-looking and parochial. Our future lies in strengthening ties across the Continental Divide that can lead to compromise and consensus. I believe we would all benefit from two representatives that have to take both urban and rural views into account, rather than one that is isolated and outvoted. Thank you for having the courage and wisdom to propose a forward-looking redistricting plan. Respectfully, John Traylor Grand Junction

Penny Dumas

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Dear Commissioners, I urge you to not split Boulder County into different districts. Our county is known for it's love of wildlife, preservation of open spaces and motivation to control climate change. How can we have that in common with communities who are tied to extractive industries? Please do not let our voices be drowned out by splitting us up. Sincerely, Penny Dumas Boulder, CO

Boyce Sher

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Please do not split up Boulder. It’s a special place with a particular mindset. Do not water it down.

Barbara Suder

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80162

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am writing to you as a Colorado Native. I am outraged over the new redistricting map proposed. This looks like another way for democrats to cheat to gain total control of another state. The last redistricting left me with Dianna DeGette. Her former district was Denver. Denver has nothing in common with South JEFFCO/Columbine/Ken Caryl and Douglas County. She did not represent us. Numerous occasions I contacted her to relay my concerns over issues. I got a typical response letter she sent to everyone thanking me for my contacting her. Frequently I never got a response at all. I felt left out and just a number in the census counted for her. This new redistricting will not represent any of the counties outside of Denver/Boulder. There will be NO representation for the western slope being added to Boulder. Boulder has a total different agenda than farmers on the western slope. This particle redistricting is obviously an attempt to remove Lauren Boebert. This new district map clearly denies the existence of the suburbs, farm lands, recreational parks (both community and national parks), vacation areas and more. This new map is clearly giving Boulder and Denver priority. It's unfair to counties that do not come close to the heavily populated Denver/Boulder. The majority of Colorado's population reside in Denver/Boulder voting dominantly Democratic. It clearly displays no one counts expect the two most populated counties. As for my county, South Jefferson/Douglas County, there are major employers such as Lockheed Martin, Charles United Launch Alliance, Arrow and more. Their employees reside across both JEFFCO and DOUGCO. These residents have the same suburban community interests. As it is now, these counties/communities have NO representation now. This new redistricting will guarantee we will NEVER have the representation we want, deserve or need. Many Coloradoans, including natives, are moving out of this beautiful state because Denver/Boulder are governing the entire state. I My family (5 generations of Colorado Natives), and friends are furious, as am I, about this obvious proposal of Democratic Domination in Colorado. All we ask for is FAIR not Stollen. Barbara Suder, Current JEFFCO resident of 62 years. Back

Karen willson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am really puzzled by this latest map. It does not appear to correct any of the issues of the current map so why change. Change is not good if it doesn’t make things better. This gives rural Colorado no say in anything and they make up the larger area of the state. How is this making things better? Small densely populated areas should not have more say than large areas. Everyone’s voice should be heard equally and this map does not accomplish that.