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Nancy Eason

Commission: both

Zip: 80524

Submittted: June 05, 2021


As someone who is approaching retirement age, I know that there are quite a lot of people like me living in Larimer County. As you look at Congregational and legislative districts, please avoid splitting up Larimer County. I'm thinking of SD 23 in particular, but I hope Larimer County will be kept intact as new district lines are drawn. Also, we currently have two representatives in Fort Collins with their districts split east and west. I think a better way to divide the city would be north and south, with CSU in the northern half. And it might make sense to make CD2 cover Larimer and Weld counties rather than Larimer and Boulder as is currently done.

Thomas McKenna

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81008

Submittted: June 05, 2021


The Great Southern Colorado Metropolitan Area and common interest to South-Central Colorado RE: Colorado Springs South of Pikes Peak Ave, Pueblo, and Cañon City Commissioners: The only way we can have a South-Central Colorado Congressional District is that we have enough population (722,000) to legally form it, and South-Central Colorado we will have sufficient residents living in the area we have proposed for South-Central Colorado and a large portion of these residents will be from the ‘Greater Southern Colorado Metropolitan Area’ which will be the nucleus to the new Congressional District. When did this ‘metro area’ pop-up you ask? It has been here all along, however people who live outside the South-Central Colorado corridor just ignored it. The first great commerce area in Colorado was founded in 1842 by a black man named James Beckwourth, along with a few of his friends. The name of the Area was called a gathering place or in from the Spanish ‘Pueblo’. Pueblo was the first major metro area in Colorado, and we have not left the state, regardless of rest of the Colorado’s perception. The Population of these three-metro areas will provide approximately 625,000 residents and the rest of the proposed area will be able to provide the 100,000 people need to form a Congressional District. With South El Paso County’s1 estimated 25 billion dollars in GDP and adding to Pueblo of nearly 10 billion dollars of GDP along with a 5-billion-dollar GDP from Cañon City will drive the economic impact of just these three areas over 40 billion dollars annually will create a strong economic zone. Some common interest of the Southern Colorado Metropolitan District consists of general location, a strong economic zone, medium to lower income residents, industrial base, potential energy headquarters for Colorado, high military allegiance, large minority ethnic groups (Hispanic through the region and Southern El Paso County has a high African American population. Colorado heritage similarities, Higher Educational opportunities, and together they provide a balanced minority constituent. It is interesting to note that with the restructuring of El Paso, for Congressional district purposes, than in Southern El Paso County the majority of minorities in the entire county live south of the proposed border which will provide a more common interest with Southern El Paso County and the rest of the proposed South-Central Colorado Congressional District. 1. Colorado Springs GDP totals about 50-55 billion dollars annually and by attributing 45% to the southern portion of El Paso County will be an estimated 25 billion dollars in GDP for the area south of the Pike Peak Ave boundary. Thomas McKenna; on behalf of the Citizens of True Southern Colorado

Libby Lukens

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: June 04, 2021


To the Redistricting Committee: Thank you for serving on the Redistricting Committee for the state of Colorado. As residents of Steamboat Springs, we ask that you keep House District 26 as similar as possible. Ideally, Routt County would be kept with communities of interest, specifically other resort communities such as Eagle County, Summit County, or Pitkin County. It is imperative that we keep communities of interest together so Coloradans can be properly represented at the state and federal level. Resort communities are facing similar problems around affordability for essential workers and low-wage earners as well as the impact of climate change and environmental issues on our wonderful community. Thank you, Libby Lukens


Commission: both

Zip: 80105

Submittted: June 04, 2021


Considerimg the ladt election i do not beleive in the voting system any longer its become far to corrupt and controlled by monopolies and politicians in influentual positiins. Thus i beleive all voting needs to be moved back to in person and id required. Until major changes ate made i will begin pyshing for new rules and lqws on voter requirments as well as how we vote as a constituional republic. Not a democracy. We nrver have been a democracy nor will we ever be a democracy only a constitutional republic

Rachel Lee

Commission: both

Zip: 80528

Submittted: June 04, 2021


I urge you to keep Larimer and Boulder Counties together as one congressional district. These two counties have many common interests. Larimer and Boulder Counties have a high level of high tech and pharmaceutical employment jobs. These counties share many of the same cultural and revenue generating sectors. They both have a strong tourism industry, and they both have strong educational sectors in CSU and CU, with all the attendant research and high tech spin offs. They also share the same health system, University of Colorado Health. Larimer and Boulder Counties would have a population approximately 722,000 people, the desired number for a Congressional district. Districts should also be as compact as possible, which describes Larimer and Boulder Counties because they are contiguous with no intervening geographical dividing line. Larimer County is already a competitive county, another important characteristic of a Congressional District. Adding Weld to Larimer County as a Congressional District will cease to make it competitive. Thank you! Rachel Lee

craig marks

Commission: both

Zip: 80433

Submittted: June 04, 2021


As per normal within the south portion of district 2 we are chosen to drive 90 minutes each way to a public hearing . Our current representative spent exactly 2 hours in the 2 year election cycle south of I70 This is the problem you face .You need to change boundaries in the 2nd district and all districts so they are a toss up election. The bias to the northern portion of the district is shown by where this "independent group" choose to hold the public meeting. I and many like me are disillusioned by the politics in Colorado because of all the safe districts. Look also at district 1 it also needs to realigned for greater competition . In the day of executive orders the populous needs for feel that their representatives will represent the entire district not the parties :safe constituents"

Terrence Hassett

Commission: both

Zip: 80528

Submittted: June 04, 2021


Larimer county and Weld County share only geography. We have little interest in common. Our economic base is different, our industries are different, our infrastructure is different, and our community needs are different. Our economic base is more in line with the technology and engineering base we share with Boulder. Our educational background, especially of CSU, has more in common with CU.

Tricia Canonico

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80528

Submittted: June 04, 2021


Thank you for the hard work of the Commission to create a fair and effective redistricting effort for Colorado. My name is Tricia Canonico and I am a Fort Collins Council Member. I would like to ask that Larimer County and Boulder County remain together in the same Congressional District. Both counties face many similar challenges and opportunities and should be represented by a single voice in Washington. Both are home to the major research universities in our state; they share similar cultures and economic sectors including tech, tourism and healthcare; they are both gateways to Rocky Mountain National Park and they have many areas of overlapping federal policy objectives. Both Larimer and Boulder are working to recover from the 2020 wildfires, mitigate burn scar flash flooding and prevent that magnitude of fires in future years. The two counties collaborate on these efforts and other public land policy. Weld County does not face public land imperatives of the same magnitude.  Larimer and Boulder Counties are united educationally, economically, and culturally. Larimer County's community interests, policy concerns, and geographical concerns closely align with Boulder's. Collaborations between the counties have brought economic success to our area. Larimer and Boulder are currently well represented by one congressional member who could ably continue to advance opportunities for both counties.

Rachel Olsen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80528

Submittted: June 04, 2021


I urge you to keep Larimer and Boulder Counties together as one congressional district. These two counties have many common interests. Larimer and Boulder Counties have a high level of high tech and pharmaceutical employment jobs. These counties share many of the same cultural and revenue generating sectors. They both have a strong tourism industry, and they both have strong educational sectors in CSU and CU, with all the attendant research and high tech spin offs. They also share the same health system, University of Colorado Health. Larimer and Boulder Counties would have a population approximately 722,000 people, the desired number for a Congressional district. Districts should also be as compact as possible, which describes Larimer and Boulder Counties because they are contiguous with no intervening geographical dividing line. Larimer County is already a competitive county, another important characteristic of a Congressional District. Adding Weld to Larimer County as a Congressional District will cease to make it competitive.

Daniel Willis

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80231

Submittted: June 04, 2021


Comment 5 of 5 Please find attached my map DENVER/ARAP MIX