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Daniel Kowal

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80027

Submittted: June 16, 2021


Dear Commissioners, I want to thank you for you service and important work in this redistricting effort. One way to define my community of interest is to share the brief description of Louisville, CO from Money Magazine who voted this town as #1 in America two times since we’ve moved here. Here’s what it Said back in 2017, It’s not hard to fathom why Louisville turns up over and over again on Money’s Best Places to Live rankings. The town offers a winning combination of economic opportunity and small-town charm, with a touch of beneficial weather—245 clear days per year, on average. Nestled right in the center of the Denver-Boulder corridor, Louisville boasts a low unemployment rate of 2.7%, thanks largely to jobs in health care, tech, aerospace, and clean energy; Moody’s Analytics forecasts even more job growth over the next few years. The town’s historic downtown, meanwhile, features 100-year-old wooden buildings, yoga studios, restaurants, coffee shops, and more, with a rich art scene and frequent live music. Access to the great outdoors is key for many Colorado residents, and 32 miles of trails weave in and out of Louisville, offering plenty of hiking and biking options. Rocky Mountain National Park is less than an hour away, and plenty of top-rated ski resorts take less than two hours to get to. I believe that captures the kind of small town feel of our community where quality K-12 education is prized highly along with a high tech economy that thrives on innovation while still loving family owned bakeries and restaurants serving healthy options to people who are concerned about where their food comes from keeping the environment in mind. Safety is of big concern for those of us seeking alternative transportation to the car. More bike friendly routes for commuting and recreation figure greatly to this town of health enthusiasts who care about sustaining the planet. Still on the safety front is the need for more rigorous background checks to ensure as much as possible that only responsible and law abiding citizens can carry. Lastly, it’s been an important aspect in our community for continued work on welcoming more diversity into the area. One aspect to that is the creation of affordable housing which I see as a major obstacle to balance the needs of controlling population density, putting pressures on traffic, schools, maintaining open space, etc… while creating livable low cost options in support of a stratified community for people of all means. Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts on this matter. Dan

Nancy P

Commission: both

Zip: 80232

Submittted: June 16, 2021


Do not rezone or redistrict Lakewood, we want NO part of Douglas county.

Wendi Strom

Commission: both

Zip: 80227

Submittted: June 16, 2021


I understand that Lakewood is being considered as being included in a new legislative district with Douglas County. I am not able to confirm this information but wanted to send my input in the event this is true. For Lakewood, most of our city has completely different challenges than ANY area in Douglas county. Lakewood is a Tier one suburb with 50% of our residents being challenged financially to afford thier housing (See Lakewood council committee meeting 05/20/2021 for more information), it has a very diverse community as far as socio-econonmics, UNLIKE what is experienced in most of Douglas County. It also has a large aging demographic, that likewise has different wants/needs and challenges than many residents in Douglas. I urge you to consider keeping the Lakewood community in a district of urban make-up because many of our concerns, wants, needs and challenges are aligned more with that than the very surburban Douglas County. Thank you for your consideration.

Jeff Cozart

Commission: both

Zip: 80033

Submittted: June 15, 2021


The concept of a republic depends on the equitable representation of people with shared interests. Boundaries should be drawn based on a segmentation model of those shared interests. The best segmentations of interests are done by lifestyle. Esri has a good lifestyle segmentation that can be correlated with census blocks. Please move beyond the political affiliation and allow communities with similar interests to determine for themselves how their interests are best represented.

Kristen Lucero

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81101

Submittted: June 15, 2021


We need to make sure that the San Luis Valley and the city of Pueblo stay connected as much as possible to make sure the Latino communities in Southern Colorado have a voice in the State House. These communities have shown massive support for Latino Representatives, including John Salazar, Rafael Gallegos, Ed Vigil and Donald Valdez. Keeping these areas together will ensure that Colorado's largest minority population has strong representation. It is also important to keep representation for Latinos outside the Denver metro area.

James T. Rizzuto

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81077

Submittted: June 15, 2021


Having represented and being involved in southern and southeast Colorado for a number of years as an elected official and involved in business, higher education and organizations I am submitting a proposed House District Map(s) for the area based on communities of interest and day to day workings amongst counties. I appreciate your consideration. Thank you Jim Rizzuto PS I submitted one earlier which is the same but may have not been in required pdf format

Frances M Jenkins

Commission: both

Zip: 80477

Submittted: June 15, 2021


I am very concerned that Routt County will be redistricted with Moffat County and Rio Blanco Counties as redistricting is done. Because of tourism, especially the ski resort and summer tourism opportunities, Routt County is much more aligned with Eagle County. I have lived in Routt County for 49 years and worked in Moffat County since 2009 and there is a HUGE difference in concerns and how issues are perceived and discussed. Please DO NOT district us with Moffat and RioBlanco counties who are much more concerned with mineral extraction and the closure of coal fired generating plants.

Linda Delaney

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80487

Submittted: June 15, 2021


It is important that Routt County and Eagle County remain in the same Colorado House of Representatives district (26). We tend to mirror one another in interests and issues. Our economies, commitment to public lands, the environment, and recreation destinations for both Front Range and out of state visitors are much the same.

Jennifer Noon

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 15, 2021


Lakewood is thriving in Jefferson County. We do not want in any redistricting . Our kids are committed to Jefferson County schools and the concept of moving us into that district is ridiculous. Absolutely not something our community wants.

Cathy DeLong

Commission: both

Zip: 00000

Submittted: June 15, 2021


To whom it may concern, I’m not exactly sure how redistricting works but I am very concerned with the new way of politics and the lack of concern for all people that live in our state. The notion that that you treat someone different based on your political party and and are there strictly to disrupt the governing process will be the end of our democracy and our country. That being said, I live in district 3 and feel that our legislator has way too much power and is completely disconnected with our county. Without getting into specifics, I believe that district 3 is way to big. I would like to see our mountain community grouped together with other like minded communities that are concerned with dealing with climate changes. We need a legislative body that will work for all of us. Thanks for your time, Cathy DeLing of Steamboat Springs, CO (submitted by email 6/14/21)