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Shawn Maisen

Commission: both

Zip: 80134

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I am against the redistricting.

Ellen Standish

Commission: both

Zip: 80428

Submittted: July 23, 2021


Dear Colorado Redistricting Commission: I have heard a rumor that there is a group in Routt County that is pushing for Routt and Moffat Counties to be re-districted with Boulder County. In my opinion, this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. First of all, Routt County is separated from Boulder County by Grand and Jackson County. Second, the culture of the counties is entirely different. Although Routt and Boulder counties may share similar outdoor recreational opportunities, that is where the similarity ends. Whereas many people who live in Boulder County have jobs, lifestyles, and interests similar to city dwellers, Routt County is mainly rural. Although it is growing, Steamboat Springs is still a caring community with small town values. Third, Boulder County has different concerns than Routt County. Routt County only has several large employers. The remaining jobs come from small businesses, local government, retailers, restaurants, and agriculture. We rely heavily on tourists. The pandemic hurt many businesses, causing some of them to fold. Routt County also depends on ranchers and farmers for part of its economy. They have to contend with weather, predators, low market prices, and rising taxes in order to make a living. Also in this semi-arid part of the state, having adequate water and moisture throughout the year is a huge concern. We have been seeing more wildfires in the past few years, which causes a drain on the economy in many ways. All in all, Routt County and Moffat County need to be in a district with similar counties that share the same values, concerns, and lifestyles, and are represented by people in government who know and understand these things.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80435

Submittted: July 22, 2021


We live in Summit County Our shared interests are Resort and Rural related. The preliminary map you have prepared does a good job of dividing state into to community of interest districts. We use to be part of Boulder and there was no shared interest with them. The whole western slope share in those issues affecting Transportation, housing and the environment. Your preliminary map addresses these interests. Geographically, you have aligned us appropriately with the western slope to address resort issues and environmental issues. We feel the commission has done an excellent job of drawing the redistricting map in a nonpartisan way and addressing all the constitutionally mandated requirements set out in the State and US Constitution. Job well done. Joe and Fran OMalley

Hillary Ackerman

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 22, 2021


I am commenting on the redistricting of District 3. I live in Routt County and I believe that Eagle County and Routt County are aligned with common interests and should not be separated in the re-districting. Both counties have shared interests and concerns including land conservations, water, transportation, resort support and management, environmental impacts, housing and workforce issues. Routt County aligns much closer with Eagle than Moffat County.

Angela Myers, County Clerk, Larimer County

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80521

Submittted: July 22, 2021


I would like to address the small section of Congressional District 4 that extends into Larimer County to the North of E US 34 and to the East of Interstate 25. This section of Congressional District 4 does not comply with the requirement that districts "preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns." Splitting Larimer County between Congressional District 4 and Congressional District 2 creates voter confusion and compromises voter privacy and anonymity. This minute split creates additional administrative and cost burdens, especially in the conduct of elections. Because the section of Congressional District 4 that crosses the county line into Larimer is so small, it increases the likelihood and number of uncommon ballot styles, compromising voter privacy and anonymity. I respectfully propose and request that the map be redrawn to include the entire Larimer County community of interest within the boundaries of Congressional District 2.

Michael Louis Goldberg

Commission: both

Zip: 80120

Submittted: July 22, 2021


I believe it is imperative the redistricting reflects the geographic divisions of populations as well as the ratio of the residents’ political wills in each district and realize this is impossible to do with both national Congressional seats and state legislative seats. But every effort must be made to accomplish this so two separate systems must be what is used. For local legislative representation to be accurate, maintaining the geographic relationships that reflect the needs of our school, recreation, educational and regional services must be accurately reflected in the vote. For the national congressional to be most accurate, I believe what is most important is that the balance of votes reflect political wills of the whole state. With these goals in mind, I find the proposed local legislative redistricting a bad move that breaks up the fundamental reasons for having districts and something that should not come to be. Our old district accurately followed and represented our geographic needs in house district 38. The new one will disband this and will not serve the people it the district. Concurrently, I feel that the new Congressional districts while they maintain geographic boundaries do not reflect the balance of political wills throughout the state; instead, it creates pockets that are biased only on a geographic region and reflect the will of a geographic group not the will of the state. Holding the congressional seats as you are doing biases the state as a relaxed rural state primarily of agricultural and recreational interests not the vibrant and vital state, we are that is one of a vigorous residential and industrial an economy. As the courts decided the districts should be set up to equally reflect the overall political will of the state as in 45.1% Republican, 51.6% Democratic, and 3.3% Other. The districts should not be set up to be 3 votes Republican, 4 votes Democrat and 1 vote other; that may seem fair but it does not reflect the will of the majority it reflects the will of a few.

Deidra Smith

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: July 22, 2021


Many of the new maps completely ignore the Colorado Constitution and the will of the voters expressed through Amendments Y and Z -- by putting communities of color at major risk of racial gerrymandering. Across the state, communities of color were split and fractured in such a way that the number of districts they can meaningfully influence has been more than cut in half -- which is especially shameful given that our state is already majorly out of compliance with the Voting Rights Act.

toby stauffer

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 22, 2021


routt county should not be included with moffatt and rio blanco for state reps- routt is more similar to vail/eagle and should be with another mountain area rather than a more western slope area. the ideals and character are too different in the current configuration. keep routt with vail/eagle or another similar mountain town

toby stauffer

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 22, 2021


district 3 is too large, there are distinct differences between the north and the south and the two areas should be separated.

Shirley Bauer

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81413

Submittted: July 22, 2021


I am particularly concerned that Delta County is being split up more than it was, dividing our towns into different districts. I don't think that is helpful for our county or area at all. If anything, Delta county should be joined with Mesa County as have similiar interests in agriculture and activities. Not just part of Delta county but ALL of delta county. (submitted by email 7/14/21)