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Colleen Silan

Commission: both

Zip: 80521

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I would like you to adopt the proposed redistricting map because if better reflects our community. I do not approve of the GOP proposal! Thank you for accepting comments and for all you do for our community.

Rita Lewis

Commission: both

Zip: 80207

Submittted: July 23, 2021


The votes of residents in 80207 have been diluted by the 80238 (Stapleton/Central Park). Stapleton/Central Park and Lowry 80230 were both created decades after 80205 and 80207 and 80238 and 80230's views more closely align as compared to the older neighborhoods of 80205 and 80207. Please redistrict so 80207 can vote separately and independent from 80238.

Rachel Bellis

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I am a Steamboat Springs resident writing to oppose the proposed redistricting of Congressional District 3 to join Routt County with Moffat County. The current map for District 3 appropriately places Routt County together with neighboring Eagle County. There is a natural community of interest binding Routt County and Eagle County. Both counties are home to ranches and mountain ski resorts, which means both have to address the complex simultaneous public policy concerns of urban, rural, alpine, and agricultural communities. The current congressional map for District 3 ensures fair and effective representation of all those concerns. While neighboring Moffat County shares Routt County’s concerns for safeguarding the environment for ranching and recreation, there is no community of interest that in any way aligns Moffat County with the public policy concerns and economic interests that dominate Steamboat Springs and the surrounding communities in Routt County. The public policy concerns in the communities surrounding Steamboat Springs focus on managing the area's alpine ski industries and destination-based all-season tourism, developing regional strategies for meeting the critical needs of a workforce employed by those industries for housing, childcare, and county-wide transportation, and preserving the quality of life for the people who live and work in these communities. Moffat County does not share these public policy concerns--but Eagle County does. To ensure fair and effective representation of Routt County's public policy concerns, Routt County and Eagle County should remain in the same congressional district.

Randy Ross

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80526

Submittted: July 23, 2021


It will be 40 years that I have lived in Fort Collins this September. The map proposed by the redistricting commission fits the community of Fort Collins. In fact, I taught middle school in Laporte and extending my district (53) northwest to Laporte will tie that feeder school in with Poudre High School. I have seen an alternative map that does not include Laporte with the west side of Fort Collins but rather extends the present district 53 east to Lemay. That does not reflect the neighborhood communities considering the school district high school boundaries. Those boundaries affect recreation, policing, and parks.

Donald E Morris

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: July 23, 2021


Members of the Redistricting Committee: The proposed maps and and changes appear to be well considered and appropriate. But there is another aspect that should also be considered. In my years as a manager of managers I gave two requirements: -Avoid doing evil. -Avoid even the appearance of evil. To fail at either one was adequate reason to be relieved of your position. Likewise, in the current environment of doubt concerning the integrity of our elections, the redistricting must avoid not only gerrymandering to upset the integrity of our districts, but must also avoid even the appearance of gerrymandering. The current proposal passes both tests. Some of the alternate proposals I have seen certainly do not pass the second test. Please avoid changes that are designed to shift the vote toward ends other than competitive districts... this is gerrymandering, or certainly looks like it. Sincerely, Donald E. Morris

Jennifer McPeek

Commission: both

Zip: 80477

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I am a local physician in Steamboat Springs. I have lived here 13 years. I treat local people mostly and we have a close community. Parents and neighbors look out for kids: kids can walk home at night from the downtown, safely and neighbors know and ask after anyone who has gotten sick or injured, sometimes bringing meals or shopping for someone who needs help. I grew up in Golden, CO and have been coming to Steamboat since I was younger than 3 years old as my dad was a geologist and did field work here. We camped, fished, rode horses, backpacked here all of my life. My great grandfather homesteaded on the Little Blue river outside Kremmling and my grandmother was raised in a sod house there and helped brand cows. Ranching is our heritage, skiing and outdoor adventures have evolved as part of our community. Most everyone I treat enjoys these activities, they are ranchers, ski racers of some kind, bicyclists and backpackers or fishermen. They value the outdoors and want to protect it for their children to enjoy. In fact there are several school programs to get kids outdoors. People here are concerned for the health of the land, the Yampa river and the ski area. I have observed people moving to Colorado from other areas of the country. Some come and adapt to our ways of doing things in rural Colorado and add to the community in a positive way. Others do not and seem to think we ought to operate like wherever they came from and I don't see this as a good influence in general, bringing much more stress and less connection to the land which makes me very sad. Trails have become overused, and hotels built where wetlands have been, etc. Therefore, I think it is very important that we remain in control of our own rural area, water rights and land use. I think people in urban areas do not have the same values and respect for the land. I have seen Colorado become overused and crowded. I don't want to see that happening here. City parks are not the same as wilderness areas. Wildlife cannot be sustained in the same way when areas are broken up by more and more roads, fences and apartments or condos. Thank you for taking time to consider what I have written. It is very close to my heart and important for future generations. I have 3 kids in college who want to see the area remain as unspoiled as possible and be able to return to ski, backpack, fish and ride horses.

Donna Russo

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 23, 2021


Thank you for serving on this commission. I understand that you’ve given up a large part of your summer to serve. You are appreciated! I want you to know that I very much like the Congressional discussion map that you have drawn. It is common sense, in my opinion, to keep the Western slope of Colorado separate from the Eastern slope. Many of us moved from the cities to enjoy the rural lifestyle. Additionally, our forests, mountains, agriculture, farming and ranching, tourism are for the most part, here on the west slope and we’d like to not divide these entities. An example of my point; the vote for the introduction of the gray wolves to the West that the Metro areas gave us. The West clearly voted against the wolves issue. It’s important that our vote not be polluted even more. My basic request to you is to not dilute urban vs rural. Please keep the West slope whole! Thank You, Donna Russo

Jennifer McPeek

Commission: both

Zip: 80477

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I am a local physician in Steamboat Springs. I have lived here 13 years. I treat local people mostly and we have a close community. Parents and neighbors look out for kids: kids can walk home at night from the downtown, safely and neighbors know and ask after anyone who has gotten sick or injured, sometimes bringing meals or shopping for someone who needs help. I grew up in Golden, CO and have been coming to Steamboat since I was younger than 3 years old as my dad was a geologist and did field work here. We camped, fished, rode horses, backpacked here all of my life. My great grandfather homesteaded on the Little Blue river outside Kremmling and my grandmother was raised in a sod house there and helped brand cows. Ranching is our heritage, skiing and outdoor adventures have evolved as part of our community. Most everyone I treat enjoys these activities, they are ranchers, ski racers of some kind, bicyclists and backpackers or fishermen. They value the outdoors and want to protect it for their children to enjoy. In fact there are several school programs to get kids outdoors. People here are concerned for the health of the land, the Yampa river and the ski area. I have observed people moving to Colorado from other areas of the country. Some come and adapt to our ways of doing things in rural Colorado and add to the community in a positive way. Others do not and seem to think we ought to operate like wherever they came from and I don't see this as a good influence in general, bringing much more stress and less connection to the land which makes me very sad. Trails have become overused, and hotels built where wetlands have been, etc. Therefore, I think it is very important that we remain in control of our own rural area, water rights and land use. I think people in urban areas do not have the same values and respect for the land. I have seen Colorado become overused and crowded. I don't want to see that happening here. City parks are not the same as wilderness areas. Wildlife cannot be sustained in the same way when areas are broken up by more and more roads, fences and apartments or condos. Thank you for taking time to consider what I have written. It is very close to my heart and important for future generations. I have 3 kids in college who want to see the area remain as unspoiled as possible and be able to return to ski, backpack, fish and ride horses.

Anna L Noble

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80238

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I believe that it is important to draw lines to create opportunities for historically marginalized communities to have representation in congress. I feel that this map divides communities, which will dilute their voice and elevate white power. I would like to have a map that gives power to historically marginalized groups such as N Park Hill and 5 points, Montbello,Denver West Side, West Colfax etc

Carol Peeples

Commission: both

Zip: 80218

Submittted: July 23, 2021


I wish to comment on the issue of where people who are incarcerated are counted for their place of residence during the census.