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Meggan Schmidt

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80226

Submittted: August 20, 2021


Please don't join parts of Jeffco with DougCo. I am very proud to live where the leadership put a public health order in place to protect community members, children and elderly people during a global pandemic where we still have many unknowns. It is my trust in my local public health officials that has allowed me to put my kids back in in-person learning after 1.5 years so they can get back to their jobs; learning. I do not align with DougCo's stance on COVID, now and in the past 1.5 years, nor do many of my friends in Jeffco with school-aged kids. This current issue illustrates just one facet where DougCo and JeffCo do not align.

Timothy Darland

Commission: both

Zip: 81321

Submittted: August 20, 2021


Please do not redistrict Montezuma and la Plata County together we are completely different from each other and have different views.

Donna Hicks

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81327

Submittted: August 20, 2021


Keep the map as close to current one as possible. Need to keep it simple, do not split up neighbors no gerrymandering for political purposes.

JoAnn Vondracek

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80234

Submittted: August 20, 2021


I strongly believe that all of Commerce City should be included in the new CD8. All of Commerce City is part of the Metro area. Citizens in all of Commerce City have much more in common with those in the proposed CD8 than in CD4. It is not appropriate to split the city into two districts. Thank you for all your work.

Amanda Rose

Commission: both

Zip: 81328

Submittted: August 20, 2021


I don’t think the map needs to change. What I see is a effort to change Montezuma county blue. Do not change the map!

Lauri Berger

Commission: both

Zip: 81328

Submittted: August 20, 2021


Splitting Montezuma county into two districts does not sound like a good idea. Grouping us with La Plata at all isn’t a good idea either. These two counties have very different population demographics, economic standings, and political views.

Brian Rose

Commission: both

Zip: 81328

Submittted: August 20, 2021


Leave Montezuma count whole! It is fairly easy to see your gerrymandering to turn Montezuma county blue!!!

Hubert Dewaynefindley Findley

Commission: both

Zip: 81321

Submittted: August 19, 2021


Do not divide Montezuma County with regard to legislative districts! We are a single county and should be represented by a single unified voice when issues affecting the county present themselves!

greg thompson

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81428

Submittted: August 19, 2021


I wish to submit a second comment. I live in Paonia, Colorado and am concerned that the redistricting commission will change my district lines for voting. I am a small fruit farmer and view the North Fork of the Gunnison River watershed as our area's most valuable asset. My irrigation water comes from Paonia Reservoir (upper North Fork Valley watershed). I believe it is important to keep the Gunnison River Basin intact along district lines. Our NFV of the Gunnison River watershed faces extreme climate change/drought issues making it imperative that the watershed players remain intact along district lines. By staying intact our watershed area can be more effective in advancing policies in pursuit of protecting our shared asset. This means keeping the North Fork Valley towns of Paonia, Hotchkiss and Crawford in the same district as Gunnison County. I ask you please to maintain the current Delta County division between current House District 54 and 61 for proposed House and Senate Districts. Thank you, Greg Thompson

Miranda Davis

Commission: both

Zip: 81323

Submittted: August 19, 2021


This is a horrible idea. I say leave Montezuma county the way it is. I have lived here my entire life for a reason. I do not want to be part of LaPlata county.