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Jamie Porta

Commission: both

Zip: 81501

Submittted: August 26, 2021


I spoke to you at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction during the listening tour, and would again like to emphasize the importance of Competitive Districts. Mesa County and CD3 have been in the news lately for political reasons that would not be such an issue if the area was not 63% Republican to 33% Democrat. Currently, our representatives only have to get the vote of 1/2 of their base to win elections. This also means they can ignore the needs and opinions of 60% of the voters. This has lead to significant voter disenfranchisement, which is evident in that we usually have 20% voter participation in local elections. One of the commissioners, in reply, asked the audience to raise their hands if they were in favor of changing the political balance of our area. About 10% signaled that they agreed. On a beautiful Friday evening in the middle of summer, considering the demographics that turn out for an event like this, I was amazed to see 10%! I wish I would have said, "That proves my point perfectly!" This commission has a unique opportunity to correct for some of the political polarization that is plaguing our country, stop feeding into the political duopoly and improve voter moral. Competitive districts are more fair! For perspective, remember that there are many conservatives who do not have a voice in Boulder county and the liberals in that region would be equally threatened by this idea. Fairly drawn districts support the idea that competition is healthy and beneficial. Please ask your team to create a map that creates the greatest number of politically competitive districts possible and consider the potential long term effects this could have on Colorado. Thank you.

Ellen Woo

Commission: both

Zip: 80011

Submittted: August 25, 2021


"Preliminary Map" of House 16 and 17” As drawn-the "Morris Heights" neighborhood (the neighborhood that I reside in and have for decades) is divided by I-225: this neighborhood was built from 1957 to 1965; this neighborhood was built before I-225 was constructed. This neighborhood has never been divided; this should be redrawn to include the residential neighborhood as a whole; the residential neighborhood borders are basically Peoria (west), Sable (east), Fitzsimons Parkway (south) and Baranmor Parkway and Smith Road (north); please see map attachment "Preliminary Map" of House 16 and 17” As drawn, this is a drastic change for CO HD 30. This divides what is currently CO HD 30. As drawn, this divides north Aurora, Adams County, which is north of Colfax Avenue; the borders of north Aurora, should follow the Adams County lines and should not be divided. This area has never been divided by I-225. This area should continue to be geographically east to west and not north to south. This area is the east side of Yosemite Street east ward, north side of Colfax Avenue. The Adams County portion of Aurora needs to be considered compact and whole. This area is a long standing community, one county-Adams. This area contains many communities of interest, including, but, not limited to: Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Burmese), people of Hispanic origin, people of African descent. There are many multi-generational households, there are many languages spoken and many cultures. This area does not consist of HOA's nor Metropolitan Districts. This area has been effected by gentrification. This area of north Aurora/Adams County is in the Aurora Public Schools district (28J). There are many community based resources and services located in the north Aurora/Adams County that provide culturally sensitive and culturally appropriate services to the residents. This area consists of, but not limited to: retired citizens, elderly, fixed incomes, current and retired military, higher education students, working class families, newly immigrated, established ties to this community. This area is considered RTD District B-this area includes the area that is part of north/northeast Denver and the DIA area, including the Green Valley Ranch area. DIA and the DIA area is an employer of many residents. This needs to be redrawn to restore the area as HD30 exists currently to encompass Adams County and the surrounding DIA area. Per The Washington Post, Aug. 13, 2021-“A Colorado county offers a glimpse of America’s future” (this article highlights Adams county) "Preliminary Map" CO Senate 24” As drawn, this is a drastic change from what is currently CO Senate 25. As drawn, this divides north Aurora, Adams County, which is north of Colfax Avenue from Adams County; the borders of Adams County should be followed. This area is a long standing community, one county-Adams. This area contains many communities of interest, including, but, not limited to: Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Burmese), people of Hispanic origin, people of African descent. There are many multi-generational households, there are many languages spoken and many cultures. This area does not consist of HOA's nor Metropolitan Districts. This area has been effected by gentrification. This area of north Aurora/Adams County is in the Aurora Public Schools district (28J). There are many community based resources and services located in the north Aurora/Adams County that provide culturally sensitive and culturally appropriate services to the residents. This area consists of, but not limited to: retired citizens, elderly, fixed incomes, current and retired military, higher education students, working class families, newly immigrated, established ties to this community. This area is considered RTD District B-this area includes the area that is part of north/northeast Denver and the DIA area, including the Green Valley Ranch area. DIA and the DIA area is an employer of many residents. This needs to be redrawn to restore the area as CO Senate 25 exists currently to encompass Adams County and the surrounding DIA area. Per The Washington Post, Aug. 13, 2021-“A Colorado county offers a glimpse of America’s future” (this article highlights Adams county) . “Preliminary Map of CD6” As drawn, there are changes that do not include the existing areas that are the Adams County areas surrounding DIA. There are many economic factors regarding this area. The map should be re-drawn to include the Adams County DIA surrounding areas as those areas exist today. Adams County is more reflective of communities of interest in CD6; The Washington Post, Aug. 13, 2021-“A Colorado county offers a glimpse of America’s future” (this article highlights Adams county)

John Bernart

Commission: both

Zip: 80455

Submittted: August 25, 2021


My wife and I am are 30 year residents of Jamestown, Boulder County, Colorado, graduates from CU, and have worked in Boulder and the Front Range the whole time. We are moderate, tree hugging Democrats, we are also highly educate and both have professional careers. I no way shape or form do we support our progressive, small town to be lumped with western slope Trumplicans. We share very little in common with most of them and it would an insult to my Colorado Heritage and that as an American, to be associated with fascist congressional representatives and supporters who want to destroy our Democracy. NO THANKS to your redistricting scheme!!!

Councilmembers Val Nosler Beck, Julie Mullica and Julia Marvin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80033

Submittted: August 25, 2021


Please attached our proposed map. Thank you.

John H Eisenach

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80023

Submittted: August 25, 2021


I live in the northern tip of Westminster. The proposed House District map has a small portion of Westminster and Adams County included in a much larger Broomfield contingent, which will dilute the ability of Westminster residents to gain meaningful representation. This is particularly relevant to the issues that matter more uniquely to Westminster and Adams County- like open space, state and federal grant funding for city and county public infrastructure, and water usage. In the current map, Westminster is split rather evenly into two legislative districts, and city and county boundaries are respected in how the legislative maps are drawn. I strongly encourage the Redistricting Commission to keep respecting Westminster city and county boundaries as we, the residents, have more needs in common.

Terry s Phillips

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80306

Submittted: August 25, 2021


I am opposed to redistricting the town of Jamestown Colorado to be represented by Lauren Boebert.

Rudiger Schmidt

Commission: both

Zip: 80455

Submittted: August 25, 2021


To Whom it May Concern, I'm strongly opposed to move our town of Jamestown from district 2 to district 3. Being in Boulder County and only 12 miles away from the city of Boulder, it is our direct point of interest for all our needs, shopping, schools and any kind of business. I think the Continental Divide is a natural boundary between the population on the Western Slope and the towns east of it and in the Foothills, much more allied with Boulder. Many residents in our mountain towns are former residents of Boulder. I live in Jamestown for over 25 years and view a step like this as brutalizing a harmonious situation for political purpose. Thank you, Rudiger Schmidt

Dennis and Angelika Chappell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81005

Submittted: August 25, 2021


The proposed map for US congressional redistricting as of June 29, 2021 shows the rural areas of Colorado being placed in two districts, Dist. 4 encompassing the east 'half' of Colorado, more or less and Dist. 4 the 'west' half. All of Pueblo County is included in Dist. 4. This is the best possible arrangement for the following reasons: 1. Pueblo, while an urban area, acts as a hub for rural trade and supply for much of southeastern Colorado. It is the home of Colorado State Fair, which is, in its essence, a display of the accomplishments of the farming and ranching communities. Our interests align more closely with eastern and southeastern Colorado than with the urban areas to our north. 2. The agrarian economies of eastern Colorado, the San Luis Valley and San Juan mountains align more closely together than with those of southwestern Colorado. Rural Colorado, with the exception of along the northern Front Range and mountains, has always been essentially divided intellectually into three: Eastern plains, San Luis Valley and 'Western Slope'. It's not an adversarial relationship, it's just the way people think of it. It is natural that districts be drawn to reflect those territories. 3. There have been proposals to, instead of this map, draw a district across the southern half of the state from border to border. This would not produce a satisfactory result. To force parts of three regions, each having their own character, into a cobbled up district would not serve the best interests of any of them. A Congressperson would soon find that he or she would be placed in difficult positions trying to best provide for his/her constituents.

Sean Oottamakorn

Commission: both

Zip: 80015

Submittted: August 25, 2021


As a member of the Asian American Pacific Islander community in the Aurora/Centennial area, I feel that it is important that the AAPI community be have strong representation in our district rather than split between multiple districts. Having this strong representation will ensure that our community receives support and protection, especially in this time of increased violence and hate against Asian Americans. Congressional District 6 should be extended south to include Highlands Ranch and Lone Tree. The growing AAPI populations in these cities would have stronger representation if grouped with the AAPI communities of Arapahoe County rather than being grouped with the rest of Douglas County, which has significantly less AAPI citizens. This would help to ensure representation for the Highlands Ranch and Lone Tree AAPI communities and also strengthen the interests of the existing AAPI communities of Arapahoe County. State House District 20 should extend south to E County Line Rd. This will help keep the AAPI community in this area from being split between Districts 20 and 21. I believe it is preferable to have strong representation in District 20 rather than just decent representation in both Districts 20 and 21. This will better ensure the support and protection that our AAPI communities need.

Town of Jamestown

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80455

Submittted: August 25, 2021


To the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission: The Town of Jamestown Board of Trustees wishes to express their view on the current proposed redistricting for the State of Colorado. The Board is strongly opposed to the congressional redistricting that would place the Town of Jamestown in District 3 instead of District 2. The attached Resolution was passed unanimously by the Trustees and outlines our reasons for the opposition. We urge the Commission to reconsider this proposal and not move the Town of Jamestown out of District 2. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Town of Jamestown Mayor Michael Box and the Board of Trustees