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William Hanes

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81527

Submittted: August 26, 2021


The redistricting of Colorado Congressional District 3 should not significantly extend east of the Continental Divide, with the exception of the San Luis Valley (which has the Sangre De Cristo range as a more pronounced eastern boundary in southern Colorado). The western third of Boulder County should not be split off and added to CD3 but should remain with the rest of that county in CD2. The vast Western Slope comprising CD3 certainly has more in common with the rural, agricultural San Luis Valley than the areas being considered that are east of the Continental Divide. If necessary, adjust the CD3 map to shift the population numbers needed from Front Range counties to counties in the San Luis Valley that will be contiguous to CD3.

Cheryl A Corro

Commission: both

Zip: 80247

Submittted: August 26, 2021


Attached is a letter from the Democratic Club of Windsor Gardens, an age 55+ community of 3012 residents in east Denver. We appreciate your consideration of our input.

William Hanes

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81527

Submittted: August 26, 2021


The redistricting of the area currently under House District 54 should continue to include the city of Delta and western Delta County, and add as much of eastern Delta County as possible, rather than include any of Garfield County in the proposed new District 55. I live in Mesa County near Highway 50, about 15 miles from Grand Junction and 25 miles from Delta. I travel to and patronize Delta businesses on a regular basis and want to stress to you the economic, geographic and community ties between Mesa and Delta counties, and the importance of keeping them together in the same House District. We share the same farming and ranching culture. We share the Grand Mesa and desert areas. The hospitals in Grand Junction have relationships with the Delta hospital. Even some Delta County churches are associated with Mesa County churches. Similarly, the area proposed for the new Senate District 6, which would expand the current Senate District 7 (all of Mesa County) to add the eastern half of Delta County, should instead include the city of Delta and the western portion of Delta County. This would create a much more contiguous district. The current proposal for Senate District 6 would require the senator to travel from District 6 thorough District 7 in order to reach the other portion of District 6.

B Peckham

Commission: both

Zip: 81413

Submittted: August 26, 2021


I live in Delta county. Our current representatives do nothing for our county and everything for the other portions of our districts. Please keep Delta county whole and put us with Mesa county. That way we are put with an area that shares our same values and morals. We value our ranching and rural lifestyles. Please keep Delta county whole and put us with Mesa county. Thank you


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80228

Submittted: August 26, 2021


I live in Lakewood. I am concerned about the plan that has been presented for Congressional 7. Lakewood & Jefferson county cities to our North & west (Golden, Wheatridge, Edgewater & Arvada as well as Denver share our common issues. homelessness. affordable housing. services for senior populations, small business economic issues. education of low income children (Title 1) affordable public transportation are shared by Lakewood & cities north of & Denver but not by Douglas County. I believe it would be a mistake to include Douglas county with Lakewood in Congressional 7.

kim shay

Commission: both

Zip: 81419

Submittted: August 26, 2021


Eastern Delta County is more aligned with Gunnison's agricultural life style. Mesa County is no longer rural, it is a city. We have no effective representation now with Soper. Although we are still highly outnumbered by non-rural people who do not understand the rural way of life, putting us in a district with even less representation is not good for the eastern portion of Delta County. We value our lifestyle as it is.

Lynda Freas

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: August 26, 2021


I feel very strongly that Douglas County should not be folded into the metro area for a variety of reasons. It is an effort to bring that county's extreme political stances into an area that has long stood for equality. An example would be the current situation with Covid and mask wearing. Douglas County Republicans are looking to use redistricting as a political tool with a specific agenda. I am speaking as a proud resident of Jefferson County and HD7.

Michael Kraemer

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80470

Submittted: August 26, 2021


I am submitting a map to the legislative Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission in order to propose a map that would properly represent the unincorporated portions of Jefferson County and residents who are at risk of wildfires in their communities. Our metro-area mountain communities are the most likely to be affected by wildfires, the increased pace of development makes them significant interface zones between wildlands and communities, and we need to be able to have representatives who understand this major risk.

Mary Lou Schwab

Commission: both

Zip: 80497-4522

Submittted: August 26, 2021


I Agree with the Redistricting Commission. Summit County shares an economic, geographic and cultural community of interest with the Western Slope, and that’s where our representation in the U.S. Congress and the Colorado Legislature should be. Colorado's Front Range is a densely populated urban area of our state. We are not an urban center and our voices expressing our local concerns get drowned out by the high populations of Denver and Boulder. We have more in common on a wide range of policy issues with our surrounding counties and the Western Slope such as tourism, transportation, water, forest management, education and health care. For these reasons, I support including Summit County in the 3rd Congressional District separating us from Boulder and Jefferson counties. I support the proposed Colorado House District for Summit County. The proposed Colorado Senate District shares some of the characteristics of the House District but could be improved by including Park County with Summit County. I thank the commission for its hard work on this issue.

June Waller

Commission: both

Zip: 80935

Submittted: August 26, 2021


Dear Sir/Madam: I am an 85-year-old resident of the Hillside Community in the South area of the City of Colorado Springs. My district is just on the east side of downtown from Fountain Blvd going north to Pikes Peak Ave. The eastern boundary is Union Blvd, the west side of the street. Hillside is an older neighborhood with history and has at least six senior low-income rental buildings and in addition nursing homes. I ask that in reviewing the lines drawn that the Commission evaluates the precincts and their medium income. I ask that when a District is formed the precincts within have an equal amount of income likeness on both sides of a spectrum. Let's say a precinct has 75% of families with income that exceeds $70,000 yearly and 25% of families below the poverty level for the state of Colorado. Using income medium, can we have 50% of each category within each precinct? It is up to the political parties to ensure voter registration and get-out-the-vote, not the persons drawing the lines, but the precincts themselves must be competitive. This is needed to prevent Gerrymandering. An uneven amount in any category (more whites than people of color; more aged 65 & older than those 25 to 64; more families than single, etc. ), will not bring about the competitiveness need as much as a balanced weight that yearly income provides. I expect more gentrification as older homeowners beneficiaries sell, therefore through gentrification, more rentals over the next 10 years. How this may play out, I do not know, but I do expect more instability for those who live in poverty.