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Kathleen E Hogan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81326

Submittted: September 05, 2021


I have watched, with interest, the redrawing process. I agree that it should be non partisan and I like having an independent commission. The Durango Herald has shared the latest map based on the census data. I have to admit I was quite surprised to see Boulder County included in a district that mostly represents the rural Western Slope in the Northern half of the State. I don't understand the criteria that would make an Urban Center, such as Boulder County, have any issues in common with the Rural Counties. They are not part of the same watershed, are comprised of Urban communities that are heavily influenced by students from other States. The Rural nature of the Western Slope is agriculture and ranching. Many of these folks are generations of Colorado natives. All politics aside, Rural and Urban have different issues and interests to contend with. What the Urban environment requires is very valid but very different from what the Rural environment requires, also valid. You would be asking a Congressional Representative to support differing, and often opposing, needs and views. I submit that the Commission review this map and try to be fair to the Rural Communities that are so important to our way of life.

Michael J. Rynkiewicz

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81647

Submittted: September 05, 2021


I am a resident of Garfield County. After reviewing the Congressional District map, proposed on September 3, 2021, I would like to express my opposition. The entire Western Slope and Colorado River Basin should be preserved as a contiguous community of interest, to the maximum extent possible, as in the June 2021 proposed map. Garfield county should not be split between two districts, carving out the relatively small, geographically, piece of Garfield County from the rest of the district doesn't make any sense. The Colorado River and it's tributaries are of vital public interest and policy concern for the residents of the river basin, and should be kept within the same district to the maximum extent possible. Carving out Eagle County and including such far away urban Front Range regions, completely on the other side of the Continental Divide, such as Boulder County, does not make any sense. The September 3, 2021, proposal would divide our congressional district community, not unite it. Our region is united by an economy based on outdoor activities (skiing, hiking, fishing, hunting, rafting, rock climbing, etc.), agriculture and natural resources. I oppose combining Garfield County and any of it's neighboring counties with any urban Front Range communities. Regards, Mike Rynkiewicz

Constance Osborn

Commission: both

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 05, 2021


This notice caught me off guard, and after having a personally important interaction with Joe Neguse's office, I had to voice my opinion that the Fort Collins area has to continue to be represented by Rep. Neguse It is apparent to me that this is a quality guy. His contribution to the impeachment process was impressive and logical. How it didn't convince enough people is another reason we need his commitment to what is right. Please keep Rep Joe Neguse representing me and the rest of the lucky citizens of his constituency.

Mindy Mohr

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80004

Submittted: September 05, 2021


Thank you for the September 3 staff plan, it appears to have addressed the many concerns raised by Arvada and Jefferson County residents about the need to keep Jefferson County whole, in a single district.

Terry Dawson

Commission: both

Zip: 81007

Submittted: September 05, 2021


Please consider giving the southwest its own district. They have unique and specific needs that don't necessarily align with Pueblo. They're part of the Colorado River basin, they'll have different climate change concerns and they have a culture that's grown separately from the southeast.

Jim Keesey

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80012

Submittted: September 05, 2021


I was pleased to see the first prelimary map that removed Grand County from Boulder. I thought to myself, good they are doing their jobs. Adding Boulder back into Grand County is back to politics as usual. In fact, lumping the rural areas of CO in with the population centers in general could only be done by partisan hacks. Thanks for letting the citizens of this state down. The state is made up or rural areas and metropolitan areas, either our representatives reflect that or they don't. I have property in Grand County and property in Aurora there are huge differences that are a reality. If you do not take that into account you will be participating in a lower quality of life for all.

Susan Roberts

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80005

Submittted: September 05, 2021


It is a farce to call yourselves nonpartisan regarding the new redistricting map. The western slope wants NOTHING to do with the politics of Boulder County, Summit County, Clear Creek County...This new map makes no sense except to silence the voice of western Coloradians. You are disrespecting the residence of western Colorado. Our primary residence is in Arvada but a secondary home in Grand Junction puts us with like minded individuals. We want NOTHING to do with front range politics.

Stephen Crimmins

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 05, 2021


(This is an edited version of my previous comment after further reviewing the map, feel free to ignore the previous version) To Whom It May Concern, I have just reviewed the First Staff Plan for Congressional redistricting and I am shocked to see that my city, Fort Collins, has been carved out of Larimer county and pushed into a district that we have very little in common with, either culturally or geographically. Despite being part of a densely populated community near many other densely populated communities, we have somehow been included in a proposed district that stretches from us nearly in the center north of the state all the way to the southeast corner. In addition, I see that we are also linked to Douglas County. Looking at the map shows how weird the link is as, at current, the standard driving route between Fort Collins and Douglas county would take us through four other congressional districts. This does not make sense and I ask you to reject this proposed redistricting and any other proposal that creates such a district. Thank you, Stephen Crimmins

Stephen Crimmins

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 05, 2021


To Whom It May Concern, I have just reviewed the First Staff Plan for Congressional redistricting and I am shocked to see that my city, Fort Collins, has been carved out of Larimer county and pushed into a district that we have very little in common with, either culturally or geographically. Despite being part of a densely populated community near many other densely populated communities, we have somehow been included in a proposed district that stretches from us nearly in the center north of the state all the way to the southeast corner. This does not make sense and I ask you to reject this proposed redistricting and any other proposal that creates such a district. Thank you, Stephen Crimmins

Larry Jordan

Commission: both

Zip: 80477

Submittted: September 05, 2021


In looking at what I assume is a proposed map for redistricting...I would have to say I am confused as to what the criteria is for any & all proposals....grouping metropolitan districts such as Boulder w rural districts such as routt county ensures proper representation for neither...the needs & concerns if both will suffer in the process