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Joshua Lauterbach

Commission: both

Zip: 81625

Submittted: September 06, 2021


Why are Boulder and Larimer counties in the same district as Garfield, Moffat, Rio Blanco, and Routt? Especially why is Boulder in this district? It doesn't make any sense to me and unless it can be explained very well, I am STRONGLY opposed to this proposal. How is one supposed to represent the interests of college towns and rural towns at the same time?

Kate Forgach

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 06, 2021


I find it abhorrant the proposed redistricting map should cut Fort Collins out of Larimer County and lump us in with Weld County, with whom we have NOTHING in common. Economically, our two bases are entirely different. Fort Collins thrives on high tech industries, supported by research at CSU. Weld County depends heavily on oil and gas industries, whose unregulated pollution threatens our air and water. We enjoy a thriving tourism base with much yo offer in the way of festivals, culture and the outdoors, while few visitors would even consider making their way to “Greality” for entertainment. Fort Collins has worked hard over the years to provide for extensive open space, bike trails and bike lanes, and other outdoor income generators. Weld has turned much of its land over to agriculture and feed lots (yet another heavy polluter). I can’t possibly see how an elected official could honestly represent these two entirely opposite areas. Please reconsider not throwing Fort Collins to the wolves!

Pam DiFatta

Commission: both

Zip: 81005

Submittted: September 06, 2021


I'm in support of the new map created by staff, issued September 4, 2021. It seems to me that it allows for a more balanced, opportunity, for citizen's of the Third Congressional District. I appreciate that the Commission, thoughtfully heard our input, regarding our concerns with river basins, and community of interest. Our current representation, seems fair, at the state level. We sure appreciate the time and effort, that the commission & staff have spent, in creating a fair balanced redistricting process. Thank you! Pam

Donna Russo

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 06, 2021


I could not be more dissatisfied and disappointed in what you’ve done to CD3. Please tell me what you think northwestern Colorado counties have in common with Boulder and Larimer counties. Will you please reconsider? Will you possibly add western counties in and remove Boulder and Larimer. I realize you have a heavy task but your preliminary map was so much better for the western slope in regards to our values and our interests. It feels like you are now undermining our water rights, agriculture and ranching and possibly even our public schools.

Thomas E. Pace

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80746

Submittted: September 06, 2021


Edit to my previous comment: Oooooh, I didn't check Twitter before I saw these new maps. I get it now. Thank you "impartial" Independent Redistricting Commission.

Emperatriz Lugo

Commission: both

Zip: 80232

Submittted: September 06, 2021


See Attachment

Susan Kelley

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 06, 2021


My name is Susan Kelley. I live in Steamboat Springs, Colorado (part of Routt County). I am writing in strong support of the current proposed U.S. Congressional districts map moving Routt County into CD2. Routt County is not a rural community like the majority of communities and counties in CD3. Routt County is much more of an urban community like Boulder County and many of the other communities and counties in CD2. The needs of Steamboat and Routt County include recreation, tourism, affordable housing, child care shortages, and climate change issues. Routt County’s needs align much more with the needs of Boulder County than they do with the majority of rural counties being represented in CD3. Because CD3 is such a huge district, our needs are not currently priority and would continue to not be a priority if Routt County was moved back into CD3. The newly proposed district is smaller and will allow more time for our representative to spend time in our community, giving our county a stronger voice. I have never felt I have been represented as a constituent of CD3. The only common need we have with CD3 is water. Water is a common need throughout Colorado and will also be a concern and need of CD2. When I first read that redistricting would be done this year, my immediate thought was that Routt County needed to be moved into CD2 so our needs would be better represented. I never dreamed that this would actually be proposed. I strongly support this change, moving Routt County into CD2. This move will better represent the needs of Routt County. Please do not move Routt County back into CD3 where mostly rural needs are addressed. Please keep Routt County in CD2. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Susan Kelley Steamboat Springs, Routt County, Colorado

Thomas E Pace

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80746

Submittted: September 06, 2021


Three comments: 1. I'm surprised our one representative in CD4 on the Congressional panel is staying in the district. The two on the legislative commission will not be in CD4 anymore if these maps pass including the only commissioner who lives east of DIA. 2. I assume Ken Buck's residence is just inside CD4 so he doesn't have to run in CD8 in 2022. 3. I don't know why this map post-comments didn't swap Eagle, Pitkin, and part of Garfield counties for Moffat, Rio Blanco, and the majority of Garfield county. Surely, it couldn't make the party registration gap in CD3 larger than CD1.

Jackie Martinez

Commission: both

Zip: 80123

Submittted: September 06, 2021


Dear Members of the Colorado Independent Congressional and Legislative Redistricting Commissions: Thank you for your service to Colorado. We understand and appreciate the incredible personal sacrifice each of you have made in your positions on the inaugural redistricting commissions. You are a model of success for future commissions. We write to you in our personal role as Latino clergymen and women to urge your commissions to draw as many highly political competitive Hispanic influence congressional and legislative districts as possible. We understand and acknowledge that many ethnic neighborhoods, such as in Denver or southwest Adams County, are largely politically monolithic and therefore not conducive to two-party competition. However, in many areas of Colorado, such as northern Adams County, Weld County, Pueblo County or El Paso County, Hispanic voters are increasingly receptive to two-party competition. We welcome it. Districts that force both political parties to compete for the vote of the Hispanic population are good for Colorado’s growing Hispanic community, are good for Colorado, and are good for both political parties. The days in which one political party could take the vote of the Hispanic community for granted while the other could largely ignore our vote are over. Please help us keep those days in the rear view mirror by creating competitive districts that promote competition for the votes of the Hispanic community. We are not promoting specific maps; rather, we beseech your commissions to make our community’s vote politically relevant. Creating competitive districts with concentrations of Hispanic voters is one way to help facilitate our goal. We urge you to map accordingly. Thank you so much for your consideration. Regards, Jackie Martinez

Patricia Downey

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 06, 2021


Fort Collins is very different from the Eastern plains and one of the goals of the Commission is to preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns. This map does not do that and in fact moves the County seat into a different Congressional District than the rest of the County. Weld County relies on extractive industries, (oil and gas) and agriculture. Fort Collins suffers the consequences of the extractive industries with non-compliance of EPA limits on ozone. We do not have interests in promoting such industries. Fort Collins has an extensive tourism industry, with breweries, music festivals and biking. Tourists are not likely to wish to visit Greeley or other towns to our east. How could a future representative possibly represent such diverse communities as Fort Collins and the Eastern Plains? Fort Collins has a large University which is a major driver of our economy. The University feeds the many high tech local industries, including solar power installers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, digital industry researchers etc. None of these industries exist to our east. Yet Boulder County has many similar industries and educational bases. In Larimer County we are focused on issues like wildfire mitigation, watershed restoration, multi-modal connections, climate action, equity and diversity, and dealing with urban issues like homelessness, high population growth, ozone nonattainment, and air quality issues, etc. We have much more in common with counties like Boulder County.