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Cheryl Gibson

Commission: both

Zip: 81401

Submittted: October 17, 2021


I support the redistricting map from the Independent Redistricting Commission. Colorado voters approved this non-partisan commission and The GOP needs to respect the election. Stop messing with Democracy!

Kevin Allen

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80241

Submittted: October 17, 2021


I have a concern in relation to the State Senate map that was submitted to the court for review in that it looks like there were minor, but more than de minimus adjustments made to the map prior to submission to the court that have now divided up not only the small city of Northglenn, but have divided one of its newest and most compact neighborhoods into 2 Senate districts. I have attached the screenshots for reference. I believe that even if this was done to account for population, that it was not within the staff's purview, and that this adjustment is arbitrary without any regard to municipal boundaries or neighborhoods which are communities of interest.

Linda M Pierce

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: October 15, 2021


For the past couple of decades the Colorado citizenship has been in flux. Over that time, we have grown both in numbers and diversity. As noted nationally, there is an increase in the minority and Latino population. When reviewing the population stats, we see that Colorado has attracted people from several Democrat leaning cities such as San Francisco. We have attracted people who are (among many characteristics) climate change activists and outdoors enthusiasts. We have also increased our Voter participation whereby Colorado is noted not just for high voter turnout, but also for election processes superiority. These facts should be reflected in the district creation. People who believe in these issues should expect fair representation in voting for these issues and the candidates that support these views. In the past few elections, Colorado has voted for Obama, Clinton and Biden. The state has also voted for Hickenlooper, Bennet, and Polis. The State of Colorado has become a left-leaning / purple state. If the statewide elections reveal this voting trend, then the individual districts should trend similarly. The redistricting efforts should be fair and representative of the will of the states voters across Colorado. Specifically, any effort at creating (gerrymandering) the districts that does not reflect the populous trend in Colorado is suspect. God Bless all involved and may fairness and transparency envelop the redistricting efforts.

Taylor Condie

Commission: both

Zip: 80134

Submittted: October 15, 2021


Please reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.

Marty Amble

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80222

Submittted: October 15, 2021


Regarding Approved HD6 / HD9 Legislative Map - Please swap the HD6 / HD9 labeling on the approved map... to more closely and less confusingly match the current / now HD6 / HD9 areas - at least as to the present HD9 portion of the map.. The lion's share - think 80% or thereabouts - of what is approved map labeled HD6 is currently HD9 on the ground. Pretty much everything between E. Hampden Avenue north to Leetsdale Drive is HD9. Please save the current HD9 folks the brain damage of having to re-orient to 6. Thank you for your consideration!!

Zena Verros

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80919

Submittted: October 15, 2021


I understand that Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz are pushing Legislative maps for redistricting. I believe we should reject gerrymandered maps. Please take a stand for transparency and stop this. Republicans Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kottwitz are working with non-disclosing and unregistered GOP operatives to shove through last minute maps to favor Republicans for the next ten years. REJECT GERRYMANDERED MAPS!!! We want to make Colorado an outstanding place to live and raise our children. Thank You, Zena Verros

Richard Wyatt

Commission: both

Zip: 80480

Submittted: October 14, 2021


Your last staff map shows very little concern for like minded communities as far as AG, water, or natural resources. Club 20's and the soil conservation map shows like minded people with the same concerns and values with out dividing counties.

Wright Baker Angela

Commission: both

Zip: 80909

Submittted: October 14, 2021


We want redistricting to transparent but from what I've read if Dems don't redistrict to benefit the party we'll screw ourselves over and end up losing next year. Sorry but the repubs have had it their way for to long. 100s of repubs are holding seats they didn't REALLY win! The ONLY way we'll be able to save our Democracy is if we fight fire with fire! The repubs aren't even a party anymore and they definitely DON'T CARE about our Democracy. They're doing their level best to suppress the vote so C'MON DEMS draw those lines so it actually benefits us so we can stop them from destroying not just our Democracy but our COUNTRY!

Diane Hansen

Commission: both

Zip: 80231

Submittted: October 14, 2021


Greetings, I have lived in Cherry Creek Meadows for over 30 years, 15 of which I was Precinct Captain, a position I did not hold since the last census. I declined because the last redistricting cut our community, which is ONE INGRESS/EGRESS, into two non contiguous precincts. The partitions forced volunteers to cross over the Highline and walk a very long block to reach the rest of the precinct. This arrangement discouraged workers to consider doing the whole, now divided, precinct, thus volunteers of BOTH PARTIES were affected. The distribution of party members was virtually the same as the previous workable partitions. I can see why someone who has not driven the area would assume that going right down Yosemite would be logical but it isn’t. The new one is even worse. PLEASE REDRAW this one little area. I have been waiting for ten years for this moment and was told “precincts won’t be redrawn UNTIL the major maps are drawn." It doesn’t seem that way. Consider that most precinct workers are “of a certain age” and hobbling up the hill and over the creek is not easy or inspiring. I will come armed with maps and canes if necessary to any meeting this can be discussed. Thank you. Diane Hansen 8871 E. Amherst Dr – Unit A Denver, CO 80231

Margot Ganster

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: October 14, 2021


I want to keep gerrymandering out of Colorado. Please endeaver to make the final lines truly fair and keep the process unbiased. I am proud to live in a purple state, it makes things interesting and multifaceted - please work to keep things that way.