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Courtney Stewart

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 10, 2021


Fort Collins is more culturally similar to Larimer County and does not belong in a district with Weld or Yuma County. I oppose the proposed redistricting which puts Fort Collins with these counties. Fort Collins is very different from the Eastern plains and that the goals of the Commission is to preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities and towns. This map does not do that and in fact moves the county seat into a different Congressional District from the rest of the country. Weld County relies on extractive industries (oil and gas) and agriculture. Fort Collins suffers the consequences of these industries. We do not have an interest in being in the same district. Fort Collins has an extensive tourism industry, with breweries, music festivals, and biking. Tourists are not likely to wish to visit other towns to our east. How could a future representative represent such different communities as Fort Collins and the Eastern Plains? Our economies are extremely different. Fort Collins in no way would represent the population center of such a rural, agricultural district. Fort Collins has more in common with Boulder County in terms of emphasis on education, racial/social/environmental justice, and urban issues. Courtney Stewart (submitted via email 9/9/21)

Jillian Williams

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80924

Submittted: September 10, 2021


I oppose the current redistricting map. My recommendation would be to place Boulder county out of district 2 into District 8. Thank you !

Glenn Gibson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: September 10, 2021


To Whom It May Concern: I was unable to wait to personally provide my comments on Zoom during today's meeting. I wish to thank the redistricting committee for all their hard work. I am representing myself as a resident of Jefferson County, and no formal organization. I greatly appreciate that the new map leaves Jefferson County intact in one Congressional District. I have lived both in the foothills and now in Lakewood, and have felt the previous division of the county into two Congressional Districts was unproductive. I think that a good Congressman should be able to represent urban, rural, and mountain areas constructively. I was sad to note that Summit County was divided, as their issues, economic and environmental, are very aligned. Jane Wallace-Gibson Lakewood, CO (submitted via email 9/9/21)

Beverly Rave

Commission: both

Zip: 81625

Submittted: September 10, 2021


It is extremely important that the voice for rural Colorado be protected. Creating Districts that would or could limit that voice can only be viewed as a very partisan effort silence Colorado residents that may disagree with the view of the left. That would be unethical and most likely a violation of the First Amendment at a national level. Redistricting should be done in a manner that allows all points of view in the state and at the federal level. The issues faced by rural Colorado residence are very different than those faced in the metropolitan areas of Colorado. Anything that would limit that input could destroy some of the biggest economic benefits in the state. It would appear to me that creating a District that encompasses Western Colorado and one that encompasses the high agriculture areas in Eastern Colorado, with the remaining Districts established from Larimer County south through the Denver metropolitan area including Boulder, Jefferson, Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Gilpin, Clear Creek, and south to El Paso County. I am sure creating 6 Districts in those counties will provide a fair number of representatives. I adamantly oppose the staff map that has been generated, in favor of a fair distribution that does not allow any voices to be silenced. Do what is right for rural Colorado.

C. Mc Daniel

Commission: both

Zip: 81004

Submittted: September 10, 2021


I thought we lived in a country/state that respected every ones opinion. Lately the only opinion that matters is that of law changing, over reaching, power grabbing, SO CALLED do gooder/higher educated individual that knows what is best for me. Well guess what they don't know and it is obvious they just want to silence anyone with a different opinion other than theirs. Please consider the ethical path of action over the greedy path of changing the maps, in an effort to prioritize the interests of the Denver Metro area over the rural areas and our ideas. And take a small bit of advise QUIT poking the bear!!!!!


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80421

Submittted: September 10, 2021


This map makes sense to me. It appears to provide a balance within the Districts of urban and rural, hopefully to enhance communication and understanding. I did attend one of the meetings you held and thought the commission managed the process in an extremely professional and thoughtful way Thank you all

Gail Nelson

Commission: both

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 10, 2021


Love the new map. It fits our community better!

Kevin McCarney

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81520

Submittted: September 10, 2021


This comment is regarding the most recent Redistricting map released on 9/3/2021. How dare you! This is the most partisan map I have seen and is a punitive slap at rural Colorado. This map will eliminate the voice of rural communities across the state. Apparently, communities of interest are no longer important, otherwise how can you justify the placing of Moffat County into the 2nd Congressional District, a District dominated by Boulder. Moffat County's economy is driven by energy, ranching, farming, hunting and fishing. Almost all of these activities are opposed by the Boulder County residents. They have no common values with each other. In fact, the only commonality is the fact that they reside within the State of Colorado. There are similar conflicts through out your new map. The first map I commented on was a fair map which kept the commonality of the rural Eastern Plains and Western Slope Colorado. Providing two rural districts. Your current map leaves the real possibility that every single Congressional Representative will reside along the I-25 Corridor. The only opinions represented will be those in a strip from Pueblo North to Fort Collins. Colorado is not just the I-25 Corridor. I find it rather hypocritical that we commenters are admonished not to mention Partisan interests, when the Commission has in engaged in a purely Partisan redrawing of the Districts. We are supposed to believe that it is just a coincidence that the Sitting 3rd CD Representative was written out of Her District while the two leading Contenders were written into it. We are to believe that the division of the Western Slope was a mere decision in fairness and not a purposeful and vindictive attempt to silence the voice of Western Colorado. The word is gerrymandering, and that is what this map represents. This map is the result of special interest groups having the ear of the Commission and the voice of the common Coloradan ignored in favor of gerrymandered districts rewarding those special interest groups. This new map and anything resembling it are completely unacceptable to Rural Colorado. You have exacerbated an growing feeling of Rural Coloradans that we can be ignored. This divide between Rural Colorado and the I-25 corridor has been solidified and intensified by this map. It should be withdrawn and the original map restored.

Roxanne Witherell-Turnbull

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80421

Submittted: September 10, 2021


THANK YOU! This map will create a true map for the front range voting district which should have been separate from the Western Slope districts along time ago. The 50/50 split of Democrats & Republican voters is real democracy. Needs to see the future and stop living in the past. Good job on looking to a brighter future for all!

Brenda Allen

Commission: both

Zip: 80421

Submittted: September 10, 2021


We are happy with the congressiinal redistricting plan. We live in Park County. Thanks for your hard work!