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Commission: both

Zip: 81648

Submittted: September 10, 2021


This will greatly hurt western rural Colorado as we should not be lumped with voters have no idea of the issues we are facing in the far western slope of the state concerning water and agricultural issues, it would not be a true reflection of representation for the people that truly represent the area.

Annette Rowland

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80015

Submittted: September 10, 2021


Good morning everyone. Thanks so much for listening to all of our comments about Redistricting. My name is Anne Rowland and I’m speaking on behalf of myself. I’ve lived in Colorado for over 27 years. I’ve spoken to you once before so some of my remarks today will sound familiar. I’m one of the franchisees for Jason’s Deli. I’m partners with the best man in my wedding and his wife – one of my bridesmaids. We are very much a family company. The COVID 19 pandemic has been very hard on my company, but the good news is that we have begun to turn things around. I think we’ll survive and thrive – in part because I’ve got a wonderful staff who have fought hard to stay afloat with me and in part because of good relationships with and help from my local, state and federal governments. I got help from several cities and counties at a time when I really needed it. The biggest help financially - came from the Federal Govt, thru PPP funding and ERTC. The main reason I’ve come to speak to you today is to tell you how important it is to me as a resident and especially as a business owner to have government representatives who will actually listen to my concerns and be responsive to our communities’ needs. I’m excited and proud that Colorado is growing as a state and that it now will have a stronger voice in DC thanks to the new Congressional District. I appreciate the hard work the Redistricting Committee has done to draft new congressional maps. My hope is that you’ll make some adjustments to those maps so that the new districts will have 2 key qualities: 1st That the boundaries will include communities with similar interests and qualities, so they can be more easily represented as a whole, and 2nd That the boundaries will allow fair competition among political parties – so that every election cycle, the candidates running will feel it’s important to listen to all their constituents – not just those from their party. Now I’m pretty new to the process of redistricting but from what I see – there are a lot of really good things about the First Staff Plan. My main concern is that this newer version cuts the Western Slope into 2 areas and ties the northwest region with metro areas it has little in common with. What is the community relationship between Boulder, and Larimer Counties with rural northwest Colorado? I think it would be very difficult for one congressman to represent both areas at the same time. Rural voices would be very diluted, and yet they are such an important part of our state’s economy. It may seem strange that a city girl like myself is so interested in having rural voices heard, but from my standpoint as a business owner, metro areas need reliable and affordable energy from oil and gas and my business relies on agriculture… fresh produce and dairy. Many of us in the restaurant business have faced all kinds of product shortages. Metro areas are better served when rural communities are well represented. I respectfully request that you continue to find ways to keep the metro area districts competitive and that rural areas not be tied to voices that will drown them out. Please keep the Western Slope whole. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I hope you will consider my requests.

Rachael Jacobson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 10, 2021


My name is Rachael Jacobson, and I am a resident of Steamboat Springs, here in the Western Slope of Colorado. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you with feedback on the redistricting maps. I want to start off by saying that I was pleased with the preliminary map you provided back in June. It improved many of the Western Slope’s shared interests. I thought that many of our public policy concerns like water rights, education, public health, transportation, tourism, and many other issues were well represented in that map for CD3. I thought, okay, they understand that the Western Slope has different challenges than that of the Front Range like infrastructure for instance. Our infrastructure in the Western Slope is NOT greatly centered around growing populations unlike that of the Front Range. We depend on tourism that is focused on our rivers, forests, and mountains. Our roadway needs are far different from that of the Front Range with our heavy snowfall for a good portion of the year. Our economy thrives off tourism and outdoor recreation. You can walk right out the door most places in the Western Slope to hike, mountain bike, ski, snowmobile, fish, camp, hunt, everything that is Colorado! We literally live where people vacation! When the Staff Plan map was released on September 3rd it felt like a bit of a punch to the gut for those of us in the Western Slope. We have been lumped into the Front Range who share no common interests, concerns, or priorities as we do in the Western Slope. Our communities are not Urban. The new CD2 consists of largely rural counties and adding in two Urban counties of Boulder and Larimer. This map has taken away the voice of the rural communities. This map outnumbers the votes for those of us in rural counties by 5 times! Boulder and Larimer have 5 times MORE voters than that of Routt, Moffat, Grand, Rio Blanco, Jackson, Garfield and a portion of Summit County combined. 2 counties that have 5 times the voters than that of 6.5 counties combined! Our voice is gone! Our vote is diluted heavily. With Routt, Moffat, Grand, Rio Blanco, Jackson and Garfield counties being mostly rural we must have elected representatives that truly understand our challenges and concerns. Western Slope communities like ours here in Routt County and our neighbors in Moffat have an economy reliant on the fossil fuel industry. With this map, we will not be fairly represented by competing interests in the Front Range. With the closing of major coal mines and coal power plants in addition to restrictions on fossil fuel extraction, the people of the Western Slope must be adequately represented by leaders who understand the economic demands of our communities and properly prioritizing them. Our unique interests MUST have unique representation. We deserve to have a voice! This Staff Plan Map released September 3rd takes away our voice. To split the Western Slope in any way would ruin any chance of being able to properly represent the common interests in the region. The Western Slope must be kept whole. It is because of these reasons that I support the preliminary June map. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dan Cochran

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80550

Submittted: September 10, 2021


The "Preliminary Congressional Maps" and the "P.002.Moore01" maps appear to make a lot more sense than your current proposal. Let's try to get something close to them. Thank you.

Kurt Holland

Commission: both

Zip: 80534

Submittted: September 10, 2021


I am not for either of the Congressional or Legislative redistricting and the reason that I moved to Weld County was to escape the liberal and city politics of big government. It would seem to me that they do not respect our conservative way of life and they are forcing us into socialism. I guess this will make me a so-called enemy to their beliefs as I don't in anyway support their causes or socialist beliefs. I am old enough to know that socialism has never worked and is a corrupt way of life this is history repeating itself. This is one of the reasons why I must leave Colorado as my views and way of life are threaten and no longer important to these folks. Also, this is the first time in my life that I have actually been afraid for my life and of the government & local government. This is an extremely disturbing reality of what they are doing and or what they may do with conservatives. This directly reflects what Nazi Germany did when Hitler was taking over. This is a truly sad time in my life as an American! Please do not redistrict my area.

Lori Ann Klinglesmith

Commission: both

Zip: 81641

Submittted: September 10, 2021


I greatly oppose this legislative and congressional districting as it will water down rural Colorado votes. It is important that the production of real Colorado and it’s local citizens are considered when making decisions in Colorado. This redistricting will give rural residence less say. Decreasing the input is wrong considering the production that comes from the western part of the state.

Dave Curtin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80005

Submittted: September 10, 2021


My name is Dave Curtin, representing myself. I'm a resident of Arvada. I appreciate that you considered the previous testimony of our mayor, city councilors and others to unite Jefferson County in one district. However, Arvada, as a north Denver-metro community, 10 miles from Denver and sharing a border with Broomfield and Westminster, has nothing in common with Lake, Chaffee, Fremont and Teller counties. We do not share the same economies, cultures or federal issues. What matters to voters in Arvada is not what matters to voters in Lake, Chaffee, Fremont and Teller counties. Arvada and Jefferson County are misplaced grouped with these dissimilar counties. Thank you.

John Martin, Garfield County Commissioner; Mike Samson, Garfield County Commissioner; Tom Jankovsky, Garfield County Commissioner

Commission: both

Zip: 81601

Submittted: September 10, 2021


Please see the attached updated letter.

Rod Proffitt

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: September 10, 2021


Thank you for this opportunity to provide input on efforts to fairly re-district Colorado based on the 2020 Census. One, I would note that the Congressional Districts for the State of Colorado have been previously skewed to segregate urban from rural elements of the State. Although I understand that those monikers carry a certain commonality of interest, it has result in urban representatives being able to visit with constituents much easier than rural constituents. It has also exasperated differences in thinking between rural and urban voters. I urge the Commission to blend rural and urban elements of the various districts to make it more equitable for all representatives to get around their district to meet with constituents. Secondarily, I would also urge the Commission to recognize a commonality of interest in water. To me, the water drainages recognized by the State already in the roundtable system is really pretty close to the population targets for each district. I would note that half the water being used by Denver comes from the West Slope and a huge amount of water used by Colorado Springs also comes from the West Slope. There is a certain commonality of interest that over-laps between the West Slope and the Front Range as the result of this common need for water. I suggest that in reaching for mutual common interests, this Commission need look no further than water - it drives life in Colorado and dictates what can and can't be done. Third, I recognize the criteria for consideration only reaches a balancing of political views as the last and least consideration. However, I would note that in recent years because certain districts have been skewed to the advantage of one party or another, radical, counterproductive representatives have been elected. This is not good for the State of Colorado and is adverse to the basic understandings of democracy. Rather, it may not be the most important point of criteria, but it is a necessary component in the service of good government. Finally, this Commission was created out of a voter driven initiative. It's intent was to shake up how this State can effectively re-district every ten years because the prior system was fraught with subjectivity that created distrust and pro representation of the electorate. This Commission needs to take its mission seriously in making sure Colorado gets good representation, that the electorate can trust in how decisions are reached and that past mis-steps are corrected. I think that starts with transparency, continues through broad and constructive input, and concluding with decisions that serve the public's need for good government. (submitted via email 8/31/21)

Allen Maez

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: September 10, 2021


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, First I want to thank you for your work on this project. Thank you for allowing the public input. I have seen the first staff map for CD3 released 9/3/2021. When will you begin public comment on this? Also, when will you have face to face forums in the westslope counties? I do find the new map unacceptable. Thank you and safe travels, Allen Maez, Montezuma County Republican Chairman (submitted via email 9/4/21)