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Jennifer Butler

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80129

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Is the commission even reading the comments from people in Douglas County??? Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Roxburough, Castle Pines, north Parker, and North Castle Rock do not belong in the 4th Congressional district!! We are suburban/urban areas that need to be part of a district(s) that are part of the Denver-metro area!! The 4th Congressional district is practically rural and most of Douglas County is not - our issues have more to do with increased housing, traffic, schools, etc., not farming, water rights, etc. Come on, Commission, you cannot put urban people in a rural district and expect everyone to be fairly represented!! Put these Douglas County communities in either districts 6 or 7!! LISTEN to the people who actually live there and meet their needs, not some "population total" need!!!

Kevin R Cook

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81328

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I think the Schuster proposal groups communities of interest together far better than other proposals submitted to date. It is wish here to strongly advocate for approval of the Schuster proposal. 9/24/21 - 10:42 AM

Elizabeth Gauthier

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Please redistrict with the Schuster model which keeps my home in Eagle County together with like counties and communities and keeps our district competitive. The Schuster model keeps communities eith sgared interests together while also keeping them competitive with Republican vs Democrat leanings. It's a much better solution than the other plans! Thank you.

David Black

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81122

Submittted: September 24, 2021


The Schuster map is the fairest map for the concept of competitive Congressional Districts. The Schuster map maintains communities interests in a more coherent fashion by keeping Southern Colorado together. Please give consideration to adopting this iteration of submitted Congressional Maps

Hardy Coffman

Commission: both

Zip: 80210

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I caution the committee against giving to much influence to the Denver Metro area, while it’s population is growing, lessening the impact of rural areas in Colorado would ignore almost half of the state’s population. That is in direct contrast to the intention of our long held belief in a representative republic. I grew up in a rural agricultural area of North West Texas, and I can tell you that the rural Coloradans that account for nearly half of the population of Colorado have viewpoints on many issues that are starkly opposed to the viewpoints of those more liberal views of the majority of the Denver Metro. Ignoring them disenfranchises them and silences debate at every level. Our country has long held the belief that both sides of a debate must be heard to in order to form policy that best fits everyone. By giving more influence to the more Democratic leaning Metro area, Colorado runs the risk of becoming like California- giving one party almost total control of the state, and this rarely if ever benefits everyone. Take the California example for instance- crime, drug use, and homelessness are on the rise; natural resources are becoming increasingly short of supply; overburdensome taxes and real estate pricing are crushing the working class (we’re already starting to see signs of this in Colorado); and many of the residents feel like their government has betrayed them, leading them to flee the state by the hundreds of thousands. In recent years, our country has seen a significant political divide, and we as Coloradans need to come together and not further disenfranchise our residents by effectively ignoring the voters in rural areas. Let’s work together to reduce those tensions and make sure that everyone has a voice. Only through true, bipartisan governance can we see the state prosper. Thank you for your time.

Thomas McKenna

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81008

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Given the poor options, The Concerned Citizens of True Southern Colorado will support Staff Plan 1

Jacqui Shumway

Commission: both

Zip: 80220

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You listened to us and have set up our state to be an example of how gerrymandering can be a term of the past. Your service will serve us for the next decade...

Steve Shute

Commission: both

Zip: 80236

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I am a 25 year Colorado resident. I vote for the Schuster version of the map because of its logical geographical borders.

Cynthia Adams

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Thank you for your work on this, but CD3 is still too big; our Las Animas county interests and culture will continue to be overlooked. The Tafoya (my preference) and Schuster Maps much better serve Southern Colorado.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 81007

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I live in Pueblo West. Pueblo is east of the mountains and is definitely not on the western slope. We have different interests here. Although agriculture is important (Pueblo chiles!), most of us in Pueblo County are urban and suburban. I would prefer a southern Colorado district that doesn't lump us in with the folks on the other side of the continental divide, who have a different climate and different agricultural products. We do get some of our water from the western slope, but those on the western slope are interested in keeping their more abundant rainfall on the western side of the mountains. Every time a read an editorial or a letter in the Denver Post, the writer refers to District 3 as "the western slope". I feel ignored and forgotten.