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Julia Bristor

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80209

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I’ve reviewed the most recent congressional maps and ask that they be revisited, particularly with respect to creating more politically competitive CO districts, say < 5% on either side. The political polarization that now characterizes our state and country bodes poorly for the future of America as envisioned by our founders. Polarization makes it all but impossible to pull Americans together, and to pass legislation based on compromise. Some proposed CO districts are too safe and need to be adjusted, prominent examples being CD3 & CD1, to reduce the political spectrum imbalance. Safe districts can result in “lazy” candidates/elected representatives because they’ve minimal incentives to work for all people, even those in a community of interest. For instance,agricultural water shortages of which climate change is an important cause, affects ALL farmers’ livelihoods regardless of political persuasion. This was made clear by the front page article of the Denver Post, Sunday, 9-19-21 on this topic. A more politically balanced CD would incentivize a rep to propose legislation that has cross-party appeal. And if the rep’s campaign platform or work as an elected official isn’t responsive to the needs of the community of interest as opposed to one political party, they should rightly lose an election. Put differently, if a constituent asked “what has my rep done for me?” and they feel it wasn’t enough, their vote for the other candidate could truly change an election outcome. Thanks to the entire commission for working on the redistricting process. And thanks for considering my comments.


Commission: both

Zip: 81137

Submittted: September 24, 2021


La Plata County is mostly a rural area. The rich heritage of hard working agricultural folks is a huge asset to our beautiful state. Even though we are rural, we deserve and desire have an equal voice with the larger metropolis areas. Please consider the different industries SW Colorado represents as you look at redistricting. Thank you.

Marcia Sabeti

Commission: both

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I think the Schuster map is the choice that makes sense as it includes more communities of interest which I understand it the point of doing this. It keeps more regions together. It keeps Roaring F Valley together, SW Colorado is kept together, San Luis Valley-Pueblo are kept together and Pueblo-eastern agriculture are key together. It is the fair choice, the right choice.

Robert C Marshall

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80126

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I am commenting again on the 3d Staff map with the same theme as before with previous maps: How is it possible for the commission to believe that HR has more of a community of interests with Colorado's rural plains than with the South Metro suburbs of Littleton/Centennial; but Fort Collins, a city dominated by its land grant university with historic and ongoing ties to the agricultural community in Colorado and the entire west, does not and is placed in a district with Boulder? Highlands Ranch is a PLANNED suburb from its inception by Mission Viejo from California with more than 100,000 residents who have no common interests at all with the farming communities on the Eastern Plains. And which has been integrally tied by State and Federal transportation and infrastructure funds by the building and improvement of C470/Santa Fe/Broadway/Quebec etc. We have the main C470 following County line road and then all major transportation axes run north/south (including light rail) from/to Highlands Ranch and Denver. In the entire Congressional map, it appears that Highlands Ranch has been made the sacrificial lamb to politics over the higher priority of community of interests by allowing a Democrat from Fort Collins to draw her community into a preferred Congressional district with Boulder while keeping a congenital suburb cut off from a suburban district. Realize that the new 8th District likely won't/can't be touched for political reasons. And Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder and JEFFCO are centers of gravity around which other districts are built due to their population densities. But that is why it is incredible that Highlands Ranch rather than Fort Collins/Larimar is placed with the agricultural community of which it has NO shared interests, while Fort Collins that does have some significant agricultural ties, is not. Thanks!

Griffin Wronski

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80550

Submittted: September 24, 2021


The Tafoya.005/007 maps and the Schuster maps are by far the most representative maps of interests around the state and are by far the best maps provided so far. One of them should be the one submitted. The Southern interests are much more aligned and the Northwest district would work well with interests in Foresty. Watershed will continue to become a greater and greater issue as Climate Change affects our state and representatives who are focused on their communitities watersheds will become much more important. We already see the fighting of watersheds in Fort Collins.

Teresa Grunewald

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 24, 2021


I do not support the 3rd Staff Map for these reasons: 1 CD 3 is too large. Communication in an area with unreliable connectivity (transportation and internet) will be difficult. 2 Southern Colorado is split and its Communities of Interest are divided. Southern Colorado has 13 of the 15 most economically disadvantaged counties. We have no east to west four lane highway in Southern Colorado. Our Cultural Heritage will be diluted. Our needs will not be addressed if our community is split between CD 3 and CD 4. 3. CD 3 is not competitive. Why should a Republican Representative ( with a 10 pt advantage )drive 11 hours from Craig to Durango to Trinidad ? We in Las Animas County will be ignored and neglected . Please consider the more compact and culturally connected CD 3 of the Tafoya.005 and Schuster maps. This CD 3 offers a cohesive Community of Interest in culture, economics, infrastructure, and water concerns, and higher education. To adequately address and explore an east to west four lane highway and support our economically disadvantaged counties, CD 3 must be more compact to serve Southern Colorado. Thank you for your service, Teresa Grunewald, Las Animas County

Mary O'Hare

Commission: both

Zip: 81137

Submittted: September 24, 2021


District boundary lines do not need to be redrawn. Wasn't this done not long ago? What is the reasoning for continuing to move the boundary lines? This looks highly suspicious and is leading to voter distrust. It smacks of fraud. Stop the maneuvering to control elections. I also would like to take this opportunity to state here that I strongly believe that it is long past time to implement the Electoral College system within the States. Larger-population districts/counties MUST NOT be allowed to bully the smaller districts/counties and FORCE THEIR BELIEFS onto others. The beliefs of Boulder-ites ARE NOT the beliefs of most farmers/ranchers, and oil and gas industry workers. The Founding Fathers' reasoning for establishing the Electoral College regarding federal elections was so wise and prophetic. They new that it would be hugely unfair for the heavily populated areas to decide everything for everybody. The same reasoning applies at the state level. Larger-population districts/counties must not be allowed to BULLY the smaller-populated district/counties. Boundaries are important and must be respected. Even a person's skin is a boundary and must be respected! STOP THE BULLYING NOW!!! STOP THE MANEUVERING!!! Everyone deserves an EQUAL voice and vote!!!

Deborah Padilla

Commission: both

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Both of the current maps are Bunk - just like the old maps. Las Animas County is best served being connected with similar communities in OUR part of the state. We have very little in Common with the Western Slopes, Four Corner areas or North Eastern parts of the state. There was a map out by Holtorf believe it was numbered .005 putting Las Animas County and the Counties just east of us together that makes the most sense. You people were supposed to keep the politics out of this and to make decisions for the benefit of the state by demographics. We can see where that has gone. Political Bias - - Democrats - - can you not get past yourselves to do what is best for the people in this state???? Community of Interest - - - Colorado Constitution Section 46 (3) (b) sounds quite clear to me - - what you have now is UNACCEPTABLE.

brenna olwine

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80525-6618

Submittted: September 24, 2021


The proposed redistricting specifically takes into account increasing latino populations in certain districts. Why? Doesn't that just create MORE racism? Why not treat every person as a person, not as a black, or female, or white, or latinX, or foreign, or lesbian... Just treat everyone as people and stop labeling!!!

Melanie Dunn

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81122

Submittted: September 24, 2021


Please approve this latest map.