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Jean Stracy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80220

Submittted: October 11, 2021


I am writing to encourage you to reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz. Please take a stand for transparency. Thank you.

Eric Levine

Commission: both

Zip: 80026

Submittted: October 11, 2021


Please do not allow Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz, or anyone else, to use non-disclosing and unregistered GOP lobbyists to shove through a last-minute set of maps to the Supreme Court that would fundamentally alter the make-up of the state senate and house, almost certainly ensuring control for Colorado Republicans over the next decade. This is a mockery of everything that Independent Redistricting Commissions are meant to stand for. Please hold Mr. Barnett and Ms Kottwitz to their own words: "Hunter looks forward to working for all Coloradans, regardless of political affiliation and geographic location, to promote and ensure a fair process and equitable outcome for legislative redistricting". "This opportunity afforded her the pleasure of working seamlessly with opposing viewpoints to accomplish the goal of serving the citizens."

Lauren Osga

Commission: both

Zip: 80221

Submittted: October 11, 2021


We want transparency. Please reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.

Ron Olson

Commission: both

Zip: 80016

Submittted: October 11, 2021


I urge you to please not allow Barnett and Kottwitz to hi-jack the redistricting process and for the Commissioners to develop districts that are in line with population and demographic facts, not party affiliation. The days of minority rule need to end and end now. Sincerely, Ronald G Olson Unaffiliated Voter

Diane M. Brower

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: October 11, 2021


The Commission and staff did excellent work in producing redistricting maps that responded to local input and created new districts that are competitive. I object to last-minute efforts by Commissioners and Kottwitz to make changes that would gerrymander districts in favor of Republicans. The Colorado voters supported a bipartisan and transparent redistricting process, which seems to have occurred up to this point. Please resist non-disclosing and unregistered influence to benefit one party over the other. Thank you for your continuing efforts to produce bipartisan, honest and fair redistricting. --Sincerely, Diane Brower

John Miller

Commission: both

Zip: 80125

Submittted: October 11, 2021


Pleaseā€¦ please. Reject the gerrymandered maps being stealthily submitted by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.

Shenoa Tara

Commission: both

Zip: 80027

Submittted: October 11, 2021


Please keep the redistricting process transparent. I urge you to reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.

Paul Strasburg

Commission: both

Zip: 80210

Submittted: October 11, 2021


I urge you to follow the recommendation of staff of the Independent Redistricting Commission in making your final decision on Congressional and Legislative maps for the coming decade. It is essential that you ignore the egregious effort of Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz to undermine this nonpartisan process at the last minute by pressing their own biased interests on the Commission. It would be an affront to all those who have worked tirelessly and faithfully for a fair outcome of this process, and an irreparable harm to democracy in Colorado to succumb to their pressure. Thank you!

Amanda Nevarez

Commission: both

Zip: 80919-8175

Submittted: October 11, 2021


I am concerned with the lack of transparency and gerrymandering taking place and being pushed forth by Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kottwitz. Please reject this and stand for transparency and fair redistricting.

Kenneth Nova

Commission: both

Zip: 80305

Submittted: October 11, 2021


The commission process must be open and transparent. Any last-minute back door attempts by Barnett and Kottwitz to push through maps must be ignored. Thank you!