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Ryan Gonzalez

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80634

Submittted: June 09, 2021


I am asking you to NOT break up Weld County. This part of Colorado has shown strong unity under these horrible COVID mandates and other overreaching declarations from the state. I am asking you to focus CD8 on Jefferson, Douglas, and Arapahoe Counties. There is no reason why CD4 should have Parker. Cities like Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Centennial can all be one district. Most of Colorados population is in the Denver radius. CD4 is composed of rural Colorado and they must be kept together. Do not break up Weld County. As a Hispanic and a millennial, I affirm that Weld not be broken up.

Mary Beth Corsentino

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81005

Submittted: June 09, 2021


Dear Commission Members: My name is Mary Beth Corsentino. I am a Colorado native. I was born and raised in Pueblo Colorado. I am the granddaughter of Italian immigrants. My grandparents were farmers and steel workers. I was a public school educator. I am writing to express my opinion that Pueblo County not be divided in the upcoming redistricting process. I believe as a County, we have stronger community of interests with southern Colorado - historically, culturally, and economically. Pueblo is the heart of southern Colorado. Thank you for all your hard work. Mary Beth Corsentino

Alex Killey

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: June 09, 2021


Hello, I have prepared a map file for congressional redistricting that I believe maximizes hispanic influence in both the Denver metro and the south, it also keeps communities of interests intact and is relatively compact. It is in the attached geojson file.

Penelope Boustead

Commission: both

Zip: 81226

Submittted: June 09, 2021


Divorce Fremont County from Colorado Springs!

mike ferrufino

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80203

Submittted: June 09, 2021


Hi - I have submitted PDF maps and a link for the video narrative of our rationale. Best, MIke


Commission: congressional

Zip: 81023

Submittted: June 09, 2021


I am supporting the "Southern Colorado River Basins" proposal that has been presented by a group of activists from Pueblo . My main interest in this proposal is how effectively it meets the criteria for communities of interest test. As climate change more substantially affects citizens, having representation that considers the overall use of water in this part of the state is foundational to all other concerns. We need federal representation that will holistically advocate for fair and environmentally sound use in these crucial river basins. Placing all the multitude of water interests together in one "basket" will facilitate compromise and realistic, practical legislation encouraging solution oriented governance. The "SCRB" proposal also makes other compelling points. Most notably that the population is divided 1/3 Democrat, 1/3 Republican, 1/3 unaffiliated. With no one group guaranteed a win, candidates will have to earn their seat with vigorous, solution oriented engagement with the voters.

Thomas McKenna

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81008

Submittted: June 09, 2021


Commissioners, please read the attachment to support splitting El Paso County a parts of two Congressional Districts.

E. Kreimeyer

Commission: both

Zip: 80470

Submittted: June 09, 2021


I live in northern Park County. We are a conservative, rural community. We would like to be districted so that our values are represented in our representatives. Currently we are included with the Boulder and part of the greater Denver metropolitan area. Our values are different than theirs and our values get lost in voting. We have many ranchers in Park County. Their livelihood and values contribute to our all of Park County values. We like our rural, conservative community! Our transportation needs are very different than urban areas. Our water needs are very different. We are an entirely different community than Boulder, Denver, and the other urban areas. Please redistrict Park County so it it not part of Boulder, greater Denver metropolitan area or any urban area in our voting community. Thank you!

David Cassidy

Commission: both

Zip: 80227

Submittted: June 09, 2021


Dear Commissioners, The south and southwest portion of the Denver metro area tends to be more conservative than the core city of Denver and should NOT be included in Congressional District 1. I live in Bear Valley and have NEVER felt I was even remotely represented by extreme liberals Pat Schroeder or Diana Degette. Neither do I feel represented by my Colorado Senator or Representative. I always vote but feel there really is no point in it because a liberal/Leftist Democrat is GUARANTEED to win no matter what. Sincerely, David Cassidy

Samantha Leyba

Commission: both

Zip: 80459

Submittted: June 09, 2021


I believe Grand County should be moved into CD 3. It is important for us to move away from Boulder's district as they do not accurately represent Grand County. We do not share the same goal on several different aspects. Grand County relies heavily on agriculture and we have different needs and goals for our water. Boulder is continuously growing and has different needs and expectations for their water rights. Also, Grand County is known for their outdoor recreation and we need to continue to use our main attraction to our benefit. Boulder does not have the land that we do and does not accurately make applicable changes are that are reasonable for Grand County residents. We fit in much better with some other agriculture counties. Financially we cannot be compared to Boulder as they are seeing growth financially and is one of the most expensive places to live. We are a smaller community with a smaller population and cannot be represented by Boulder in this aspect. With a smaller population we also do not have the large public transportation concern that Boulder faces, just another way that we cannot be represented by Boulder. Please move Grand County! It is important that our community in Grand County be more represented than we are now by our district and Boulder does not match our community needs and goals.