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Jan Wilson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80013

Submittted: June 13, 2021


Dear Commissioners: Thank you devoting your time and efforts to this important redistricting task. My name is Jan Wilson, and I have been a resident of Aurora for over 45 years. I would appreciate your consideration of my concerns related to my city and the redistricting efforts. Aurora has unique needs that differ from surrounding areas such as Parker. One of these issues is demographics. Aurora has a uniquely diverse population, and there have been years of collaboration and efforts to approach true representation of and effective service to this population. These efforts, which need the support and collaboration with our elected officials, are in many cases just now maturing and and becoming productive for our citizens; and they could very likely be disrupted and even possibly disbanded should the redistricting divide our city. The many agencies that serve our community will be so much more properly and effectively served when our representative knows the unique issues and can develop and call on the relationships with those agencies to meet their's and the citizens' needs. The working relationships between congressional representatives and these agencies are vital for continuity, effectiveness and progress. In short, Aurora is an established unit (city) with a long history and unique needs that is most effectively served by representation that understands and can advocate for its vitality. Sincerely, Jan Wilso

Ana M Peters-Ruddick

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80011

Submittted: June 13, 2021


I have lived in Arapahoe County 47 years. During this time Arapahoe County has been divided into several Congressional Districts (2nd and 7th). Since the 6th Congressional has had one Congress person we are better represented because we do not have to compete with other counties. In the past when we were attached to Denver, the Congressional Representatives were more concerned with Denver than with Arapahoe and Adams Counties. The same scenario occurred with we were included in Jefferson County as part of the 7th Congressional District. Please keep 6th CD wholly in Arapahoe County.

Danny Moore

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80111

Submittted: June 13, 2021


I live in HD37. This district is gerrymandered. It is a long district that stretches east to west. It needs to be more compact to allow for representation. I have not seen my representative in the two terms he has served. I believe a more compact district would allow for a better representation of the communities within HD37.

Jen Schumann

Commission: both

Zip: 81503

Submittted: June 13, 2021


Stakeholders and stewards with any shared interest are better equipped to face complex problem solving when they unite together in discourse. Western Colorado has many shared interests as stakeholders and stewards, such as the (mostly rural) population, unique geographical environment, economic assets, and comparable challenges of adversity within the region. These categories are distinctly different from the challenges that Front Range Coloradans face. Western Colorado has distinct needs when it comes to water, is an agricultural presence which serves not only the state - but the country, and offers a versatile array of tourism opportunities for the world to enjoy. Additionally, these unique characteristics of Western Colorado positively contribute to the overall economy of the state. This positive contribution is a result of laborious effort in the face of adversity. Being united as a district, while also having representation to reflect the homogeneity of the area, empowers stakeholders and stewards to work more efficiently and strategically. With the aim of working in a manner that is more efficient and strategic, this reaps benefits for all Coloradans. I would advocate for the proposed map brought forward by Club 20. Additionally, Christian Reece's letter to the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions on May 5th sets forth, in great detail, the many reasons briefly touched on above that assert how a "community of interest" approach has a rich history when it comes to successfully aligning districting and legislative representation to meet the needs of the people of Western Colorado. Finally, the people of Western Colorado represent great diversity when it comes to political perspective. While there are so many areas which unite the region as a natural "community of interest", diverse political perspectives brought to the table from all stakeholders in the region provides the opportunity for robust discourse and the ability to consider complex problem-solving challenges from many angles. As a Club 20 member, I echo the Club 20 Executive Director's recommendation to consider the Western Slope as one congressional district. Sincerely, Jen Schumann

Christina Redman

Commission: both

Zip: 80488

Submittted: June 13, 2021


Thank you, Colorado Independent Congressional Legislative and Congressional Commission staff and commissioners, for your consideration of my public comment on communities of interest. My name is Christina Redman, and I am a resident of Steamboat Springs. Amendments Y & Z define a community of interest as "any group in Colorado that shares one or more substantial interests that may be subject to federal legislative action". Additionally, that "groups that may comprise a community of interest include racial, ethnic and language minority groups." The top priorities for drawing new districts should be equal population, contiguous boundaries, keeping cities and counties together when possible, compactness, and competitiveness. I want to share with you more about my community of interest in Steamboat Springs. I support the idea of a "resort rural" community of interest. "Resort rural" communities can be defined as communities largely dependent on tourism and the ski industry. I believe consideration should be given to including Routt, Grand, Summit, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties in the same district due to the commonality of interests. "Resort rural" areas share many policy concerns, including a high cost of living, a significant challenge with housing, and a low average annual wage due to the high prevalence of service sector jobs. In addition, we are heavily reliant on public lands and work closely with our state and federal land management partners to retain the lands which are essential assets to our communities. In Routt County, the unique features of a "resort rural" community make a compelling case for us to be included in districts with other "resort rural" communities, including Eagle, Summit, Pitkin, and Grand counties. We must keep communities of interest together, so Coloradans are adequately represented at the state and federal levels. “Resort rural” communities face similar problems around affordability for essential workers and low-wage earners and the impact of climate change and environmental issues on our wonderful communities. I urge you to draw a map that adequately considers my community of interest. I hope that your approved map will consider "resort rural" counties as "communities of interest" and that redistricting efforts make every effort to keep these areas together to the greatest extent possible. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dave Lambeth

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: June 13, 2021


I write to ask for consideration to put Routt, Summit and Eagle counties into a single legislative district and to remove Routt county from CD3 Congressional district. In particular, as currently configured, the interests of Routt County citizens are not adequately represented in the U.S. Congress. Routt County has interests in common with Summit and Eagle counties: all are tourist destinations (skiing, biking, hiking, hunting, fishing, etc.), all have strong creative arts communities, and all have similar demographics. These characteristics create challenges for our counties: affordable housing for our work force and a looming economic crisis because we can’t staff the businesses on which our economies depend: restaurants; outdoor sports; lodging, etc. A walk down main street in Steamboat Springs reveals HELP WANTED signs in every other window. Many restaurants are already shuttering their doors several days a week because they can’t find workers. Representation at the Congressional and Legislative levels with communities with whom we share economic interests will help us to find solutions so that our communities may thrive.

Diana B Abbott

Commission: both

Zip: 80503

Submittted: June 13, 2021


For years we have been included in a district that does not reflect the increasingly liberal attitudes of our area. We want to be included in the new 8th CD!!!!!!

Preslano Montoya

Commission: both

Zip: 80631

Submittted: June 13, 2021


I was raised in Fort Lupton went to UNC in 1973, my plan was to move to Denver after graduation. That did not happen, my longing for the city came from growing up and watch everyone shop, visit, work in the metro area. We have so much more in common with the city. thanks

Melissa Hampton

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: June 13, 2021


Thank you for this opportunity. Rural communities like Vail, Steamboat, Breckenridge, have in common vibrant arts districts. These three communities in particular have won certification from the Colorado Creative Industries as Creative Districts. We are proud of the positive impact we have on the economy, well-being and quality of life we offer to our communities. The same qualities that raise us up a cultural destinations bind us together in common challenges: affordable housing for our creatives as well as citizens; affordable health care; infrastructure to support the visitors who come to experience our unique communities. Routt, Summit and Eagle are the seats of these successful arts communities. We ask for consideration grouping us together in the same congressional and legislative districts. This will give us the opportunity to build on the work we're already doing, raising our profile state-wide as well as nationally, as we broaden Colorado's profile of an outstanding place to visit in addition to what our terrific outdoor industries offer. Kind regards Melissa Hampton Steamboat Springs

Marlene Collins

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80503

Submittted: June 13, 2021


Thank you for taking public comments on this very important issue. As a 64 year old, mother of two twenty-somethings, resident, business and property owner (in 80501), I'd love to see this change. Ken Buck does not seem to be aware of the changes that have happened, especially in Longmont over these last 10 years. My black and brown family and friends, LGBTQ+ and us white folk, deserve to be represented by someone other than Ken Buck - the man who had the audacity to wear a shirt stating 'Kill them all and let God sort them out'. Let us be represented by someone who can see our kaleidoscope of cultures as a precious gem that makes our city and district strong, interesting, diverse, welcoming and growing. Longmont has been great at featuring our diversity and celebrating it through several events year round. I want a representative that will fight for policies that protect our freedoms to be who we are, someone who has a moral compass, and who can, without fear or favour, bring forth the voices of all the people they represent.