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Jocelen Smith

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Hello! I’m a current resident of Lakewood and our community’s values do not align with Douglas County. I do not wish to be apart of Douglas County after witnessing how they handled the pandemic.

Nicole Mayer

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80226

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Lakewood shares little in common with Douglas County, and should stay in a district with Arvada and Wheat Ridge. Please do not succumb to blatant gerrymandering and lump our community in with Douglas County in a desperate Republican attempt to obtain minority rule. Our community thrives under our current representation. It’s not broke, don’t fix it.

Kiira Petersen

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Lakewood shares little in common with Douglas County and should continue to be connected to Jefferson County because of shared visions.

Rhiannon Gallagher

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80215

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I live on the border of Wheat Ridge and Lakewood, and shop and participate in community activities in both cities. We moved to this area from Douglas County, and the cultural difference between the two is startling. We see less bias, more acceptance of science, more acceptance of diversity. Please keep Lakewood in a Congressional district with Wheat Ridge, Applewood, and Arvada, where our lives and priorities intersect.

Christy Shukie

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Lakewood should not be in a district with Douglas county with whom we share little in common. Districting with wheat ridge and arvada would be better representation

Erin Williams

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Hello, I am a resident of Lakewood. I’ve heard there is a proposal to lump us in with Douglas County. I believe we have little in common with Douglas county to justify that change and it makes more sense to keep us in a district with Arvada and Wheat Ridge. Thank you for your consideration, Erin

Dana Gutwein

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80227

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I am a city councilor, mom and engineer representing Lakewood Colorado. It is critically important that our community remain in one congressional district. We have shared transportation needs, shared community resource needs (for example- homelessness navigation center), shared economic development needs, housing needs, and more. These are needs that need to be addressed as a whole community, and certainly with regional partners. Splitting up Lakewood, the fourth largest City in Colorado, would harm our community and our ability to address these challenges. Additionally, as look to the future and providing great education, great job opportunities and solutions for cleaner air, it is imperative that we keeping and fostering the science and technology incubator that exists in our region, which is the Fed Center, NREL and School of Mines. We need to ensure that we invest in the cohesion of these assets, as they provide not just economic opportunity but opportunities for good paying jobs and protecting our clean air and water. Conversely, pairing Lakewood with Douglas county would not serve either community well. Our communities, our approach to problem solving, our needs and population makeup are dramatically different. This change would prevent our community from having our voice at the table at a time when we have been struggling to build back after the pandemic. In summary, please keep Lakewood together as a whole so that our community has our voice at the table. Thank you for your consideration, and hard work to ensure fair maps for Colorado. Everyone's voice is important. Respectfully, Dana Gutwein

dianne mcneill

Commission: both

Zip: 80226

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Lakewood shares little in common with Douglas County and should be put in a district with Arvada and Wheat Ridge. We are 100% JeffCo.

Lois witte

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80215

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Please do NOT put Lakewood in with Douglas County we have nothing in common. We belong with Arvada Wheatridge.

Christopher Arlen

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80226

Submittted: June 14, 2021


It makes no sense to put Lakewood and Douglas County. There is little that we share in common. It would make more sense to put Lakewood together with our surrounding communities in Jefferson County; Arvada and Wheat Ridge to be exact. We are working on many issues as the regional and county level. The redistricting process is important and has great significance. Lakewood will de significantly disadvantaged if we are compared to Douglas county rather than our own. Thank you. Christopher Arlen