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Woodrow Longmire

Commission: both

Zip: 80916

Submittted: June 19, 2021


First, allow me to say thank you to the Legislative Redistricting Commission staff members for affording the citizens of Southeast Colorado Springs to comment. My name is Woodrow “Woody” Longmire. I have lived, worked, and educated our two children (Harrison School District 2) in the southeast area of Colorado Springs. As African Americans, my wife and I chose to purchase property in the southeast part of the Springs because we wanted to rear our children in a community where the majority of children their age, look like them. We also wanted to have our children educated in a school District that was diverse and inclusive. House District 17 was and still is, highly populated by African American and Hispanic citizens. Our current representative and those before him, have always fought for equity, regarding infrastructure, public safety, education, affordable housing, and healthcare. Not withstanding gentrification, our community has been making continual improvements; and we owe that progress to the focus that our HD 17 representatives over the years, have placed on community engagement by our citizenry. The City of Colorado Springs recognizes that the minority community of Southeast Colorado Springs and its unincorporated areas to the south, which is one of the largest in the state and is a strong community of interest, so much so that the city’s new Comprehensive Plan (PlanCOS) recommended the creation of a Community Planning program, in order to implement the vision of PlanCos. The first plan under this program is the “Southeast Community Plan”. I believe that this area was selected by the city as the kickoff for PlanCOS, because of its geographical location and its demographics; especially, its strong minority population. I am deeply concerned that the redistricting that would result in expanding HD 17 boundaries north, would be tantamount to turning our community over to the more affluent, high voting HD 18; thus, flipping HD 17 seat RED, which in essence, will be like annihilation without representation for those of us who live, work, and play in the place we call our community.

Brogan Retka

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80631

Submittted: June 19, 2021


In response to the proposed redistricting in Greeley/Evans, I believe that Greeley and Evans should stay in a House District. Education funding makes up 18.1% of the state operating budget and 36.2% of the General Fund Budget. Having legislative representation that mirrors school district boundaries is crucial to helping make sure Greeley Evans SD6 interests are represented. Thank you, Brogan Retka 3rd Grade Teacher

Sarah Nurmela

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80234

Submittted: June 18, 2021


First, thank you to the commissioners who are working hard to fairly analyze and implement this redistricting effort. I am commenting in regard to the Westminster portions of Adams and Jefferson counties. I would like to see these legislative districts remain AS IS. Here's why: 1. K-12 Communities of Interest differ widely between the Jeffco and Adams sides of Westminster. The City of Westminster K-12 educational districts are split at the county line between Adams and Jefferson. Education funding makes up 18.1% of the State operating budget and 36.2% of the General Fund Budget. Having legislative representation that mirrors school district boundaries is crucial to that community of interest. 2. Adams County is part of Tri-County health, whereas JeffCo has its own health department. These two health departments have treated COVID-19 differently and continue to require different attention by their representatives. 3. Finally, as a home rule city, using strict City of Westminster jurisdiction boundaries (where the State has much less of an impact) to establish a legislative district makes less sense than using communities of interest that connect Westminster to the broader regional interest. Thanks again!

Denise Torrez, Board Chair - El Movimiento Sigue

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81001

Submittted: June 18, 2021


As you’re deciding how to divide the state legislature into fair districts for the next decade, I hope you’ll consider keeping the strong relationship between the San Luis Valley and Pueblo intact. We have so many shared needs when it comes to education, access to healthcare, protecting working-class people and making sure our infrastructure is up to date. We deserve good representation that is focused on these issues and not the issues that affect other parts of Colorado. Our Representatives have understood these issues and voted for our community and I hope you continue to respect our unique needs.

Victoria Obregon

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81001

Submittted: June 18, 2021


I very much appreciate the ability to give input to the new Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission. As a resident in Southern Colorado, I believe we need to look to our past in order to find districts that are most fair and representative of our region. There is a large body of legal opinion that joins the San Luis Valley and the Latino communities in Pueblo. This was one of the first defined communities of interest going back four decades to the Carstens v. Lamm case. Since then, the two areas have been found time and time again to be inseparable when it comes to representation. This has served Colorado well. Allowing this tradition to continue just makes sense for Colorado and unites our voices.

Angela Giron

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81003

Submittted: June 18, 2021


Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Huerfano, Mineral, Pueblo, Rio Grande and Saguache – these are 8 the counties that comprise House District 62. There are 19 school districts, 21 municipalities and 9 unincorporated communities in these counties. Yet, we have much in common, such as: inadequate funding for our schools because our property tax bases are too low to do it without the state’s help; the need for extra resources to help families and children who live in poverty; need for broadband to keep our communities connected and not left behind technologically; greater investment in our economy and farms; and access to affordable healthcare and more providers in our communities. Having one representative that can be the voice of our communities from Mineral to Pueblo is important. We are a heavily Hispanic population as well and it matters that our representative comes from our community to be able to best advocate for our interests. I hope you will take this into account as you do your work. Thank you for your service and time.

Yessenia Beascochea

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81001

Submittted: June 18, 2021


We all know that Pueblo chilies are the best in the world, just like we know that the San Luis Valley and Pueblo belong together in House District 62. For as long as I can remember, our representatives have come from families like ours and have understood the challenges that our families face whether we lived in Pueblo or Alamosa because their families also faced them. The communities in House District 62 share a common history, culture and economy – and a deep love for chilies. Please keep this in mind when you are drawing new lines for our area.

Theresa M. Trujillo

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81001

Submittted: June 18, 2021


Esteemed Commissioners, My family is deeply rooted in Pueblo. We have lived in this area for generations and have strong ties to the San Luis Valley. To me, the connection between Pueblo and the Valley in House District 62 has always made sense. It has mattered to me that our legislators from this district have understood these ties and advocated hard for the issues that mattered most to us – from agricultural to healthcare. I hope you will respect the history of our area and maintain the connection between Pueblo and the Valley. Thank you for hearing my thoughts on this matter.

Saul E Trujillo

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81006

Submittted: June 18, 2021


Commissioners, It is very important to protect Pueblo and Southern Colorado’s interests at the legislature. Our part of the state has been left behind in much of the economic recovery after the last recession and now the pandemic. While areas to the east of us have seen investments in renewable energy and areas north of us have seen new industries move in, we have struggled. We need to have a strong voice that can represent the shared interests between Pueblo and Southern Colorado and help promote economic investment into our communities. Thank you for your time.

Mitchell Willcox

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80631

Submittted: June 18, 2021


Hello, I grew up on the west side of Greeley/Evans District 6 and now live on the east side. District 6 tends to feel like two communities, but it should not. The self segregating of Greeley/Evan’s citizens results in the insulation of some citizens from problems such as crime and poverty in the community that affect mainly one side. Splitting the community between legislative districts would exacerbate this false divide even as Greeley/Evans will continue to share one school district and Greeley will, of course, share one police department. To reiterate, splitting this school district in half legislatively will divide many citizens from either community problems or the ability to effectively share resources. Mitchell Willcox Elementary Art Teacher