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Brian Kurth

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80205

Submittted: July 27, 2021


My comments pertain to the elimination of Colorado House District 8 (HD8), and how it will be divided and distributed among several other house districts: After moving to Denver three years ago, I found myself living in a wonderfully blended house district -- House District 8. HD8 blends all the best of racially, culturally and socio-economically diverse neighborhoods of Five Points, Whittier, Skyland, Clayton, City Park West, and Park Hill, et al. It exemplifies being greater than the sum of its parts. Additionally, HD8 has a rich history of having strong community relationships and engagement with other neighborhoods to its north and east. These bonds will be damaged if not severed with the elimination of HD8. Please don't do it! Thank you, Brian Kurth

Sam Killmeyer

Commission: both

Zip: 80525

Submittted: July 27, 2021


I've lived in Fort Collins for six years, and the current district map makes sense for my community. The newly proposed map splits neighborhoods and constricts CSU. There's no need to change the current map.

Wendi Wood

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81521

Submittted: July 27, 2021


I am a resident of Fruita, CO from Mesa County. I am sharing my concern here and desire to see our communities of shared interest that have historically been together remain together. 1. I would like to see Glenwood grouped with Aspen and keep the Roaring Fork Valley whole. 2. Move Rifle & Silt to be with the NW district. 3. Add Delta and Surface Creek in with Mesa county. These communities have a strong, common history. Additionally, they would retain their continuity and compactness. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Emily Gallichotte

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80521

Submittted: July 27, 2021


My name is Emily Gallichotte, I am an active member of the community and have been a resident of Larimer Country for 2.5 years. I want to praise the commission for their thoughtful work on redistricting, and I strongly support the proposed maps. I believe the preliminary map for our districts, as it is currently drawn reflects the intentionality that has historically been drawn to keep communities of interest together. These communities include things like schools, such as CSU, Front Range Community College and Poudre School District. This also includes things like the hospitals, UC Health and Banner Medical Center. These communities also include things like our vibrant small business community and rich microbrewery scene. The proposed map make sense to me when I think about our community and reflect exactly what Fort Collins is like.

Barb D'Albey

Commission: both

Zip: 80005

Submittted: July 26, 2021


Respectfully, my particular precinct on Everett Way has been consistently changed time after time after time to the point it makes it difficult to have a feeling of unity with any particular community. After this last change, I felt quite happy to identify with HD27 and the City of Arvada. Before the pandemic, I liked that meetings were held at the library in downtown Arvada. It helped bring the community together. Now with proposed changes, my particular precinct will again change to another house district - HD28 - and I'm very unhappy. WHY? I live in Arvada, and I please want to continue to identify with HD27 - ARVADA. PLEASE. Respectfully, would you please count how many times my precinct has changed over the years - it is ridiculous. How can we possibly develop a sense of identity? Please keep us in HD27. Thank you, BARB K. D'ALBEY Consistent Voter

Kathleen Carbone

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80455

Submittted: July 26, 2021


The preliminary congressional map proposes taking the western part of Boulder County and combining it with the western slope congressional district on the other side of the continental divide. This would be a huge mistake. There are three population centers in the western part of Boulder County: Nederland, Jamestown and Allenspark. We all either work locally or commute to Boulder, Lyons or points east. No one drives across the continental divide to work, shop or do any other kind of commerce. There’s only one road from Boulder County across the divide. It is a jeep trail that is closed all winter. Our approach to issues in western Boulder County is much different than on the western slope of Colorado. Our geographical environment and weather patterns are not the same as the west-slope communities and require local knowledge, preparations and solutions. My interests would not be adequately represented by a congressperson from the western slope. Please drop this plan of sectioning off the westernmost parts of Boulder County to join a west-slope congressional district. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kathleen Carbone

Lois Morgan

Commission: both

Zip: 80129

Submittted: July 26, 2021


Thank you for your time and for your work on this important issue. I'm writing as a resident of Wind Crest retirement community with a campus which covers both sides of the Highline Canal in Highlands Ranch. I wish to respectfully request that the Wind Crest community be included within only one legislative district, and not two separate districts as is currently proposed. In the most recent preliminary legislative map I notice that the Wind Crest community would be split between District 22 and District 33. Wind Crest is a community of senior folks who live, eat, and do activities throughout the campus. We are also very active voters. Having our community located in two districts would create confusion among a group of people who are and want to continue to be engaged in political activities. Please consider keeping Wind Crest in one district.

Melinda Reed

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80129

Submittted: July 26, 2021


Thank you for your service on the commission; it is important work and I’m sure a daunting challenge. I’m a resident of the Wind Crest retirement community in Highlands Ranch. We’re a community of about 1500 residents that shares many facilities, restaurants and services. The current legislative map shows our community split between two different legislative districts. I understand how easily this happened as the Highline Canal runs right through our community and I’m sure it seemed a logical geographic feature to use as a dividing line. But it doesn’t make sense for us. We are a politically active community which often invites legislators – and candidates for office – to speak. It would be confusing to folks and a duplication of effort to have representatives from two different districts speaking and campaigning at our facility. Please consider keeping Wind Crest in one district.

Paul Stettner

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 26, 2021


Please accept attached PDF with comments

Arianthe C. Stettner

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 26, 2021


Please read the attached file