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Richard and Jill Hoehlein

Commission: both

Zip: 81326

Submittted: August 07, 2021


We would like to express our concern that the preliminary draft redistricting map for our region does not seem to meet the goals of the commission in terms of creating more balanced, competitive districts that reflect meaningful, comprehensive "communities of interest". Since much of the current impasse in state and federal political discourse and decision-making seems to originate in the entrenched gerrymandered districts that dominate much of the state, it is critical that the commission more carefully consider how to adjust the district maps to allow for more genuine competition among candidates running for office, with greater attention to the broadest needs of their full constituents rather than just members of their own political party. We support the alternative district map as proposed by Diane Mitsch Bush and others in the Colorado Democratic Party, because that map would allow for more inclusive communities of interest and greater competitiveness when candidates run for office. We understand that the final draft of the proposed redistricting maps will occur after the latest results of the 2020 Census are reviewed and incorporated in the drawing of boundary lines. For the sake of a stronger democracy that encourages compromise and commitment to broader representation for citizens of diverse political affiliations, please do not accept the current plan, which would ultimately tilt our district towards mainly one ideology. Thank you for your work on behalf of all citizens of Colorado! Regards, Rich and Jill Hoehlein

Judy Fritz

Commission: both

Zip: 80504

Submittted: August 07, 2021


I hope that your efforts will result in the city limits of Longmont, or at least the Boulder County part of it, being made just one district.

H.L. Bowman

Commission: both

Zip: 81082

Submittted: August 07, 2021


We are a rural community that should be properly represented with like minded and similar beliefs. Northern El paso County knows NOTHING of Las Animas County. Las Animas County needs to be grouped with its neighbors that share resources and ways of life. The Urban part of Pueblo is a stretch for similar lifestyles and beliefs. Please take some time to think out the differences of rural, conservative southern colorado and the urban corridor. Please look at the terrain and agricultural differences of the people you are attempting to put together.

Beth A Rosenfeld

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80533

Submittted: August 07, 2021


We live in Hygiene and have been considered part of District 4 -- unlike the vast majority of Boulder County. I feel estranged from the rest of District 4 and believe that whoever represents that district will not have my needs in mind. I am much more likely to be adequately represented when I am included in the same district as Boulder and Larimer counties. I don't know why the preliminary redistricting maps are so hard to read, but upon close inspection it looks like we are finally being included in District 2, which is where I think we belong. If so, I heartily endorse this change!

William Turner

Commission: both

Zip: 80920

Submittted: August 07, 2021


Prison populations should be counted in the district where they are imprisoned not where they presumably lived before imprisonment. On the day of the count (April 1, 2020) they were in prison not in their supposed residential local. End of story. Stop wasting commission time and resources on insignificant issues.

Janis 'Jan' Gardner

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81321

Submittted: August 07, 2021


Please see the attached

Dianne Bailey

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80138

Submittted: August 07, 2021


At the Redistricting Meeting held at Centennial, Carolyn Boller and I spoke. I want to add further comments on why Legislative House and Senate Districts need to be contained within County Boundaries as much as possible. While we are not including political affiliation as a "community of interest" in redistricting, there is the issue of supporting candidates that run for office within the political party structure. Political Party structures are defined in the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.). These structures include how "multi-county" central committees are established. Multi-county Central Committees are made up of a specified number of members elected by the COUNTY Precinct Committee People (PCPs) that live in that district. Unlike a Senate or House District "wholly within the county," where ALL the COUNTY PCPs in the district automatically become members of their Legislative District Central Committee, this is not true of multi-county districts. So multi-county district Central Committees, particularly in the metropolitan area, tend to be smaller. The issue here is that Legislative Districts wholly within the county not only have larger Central Central Committees, they receive more support from the County Central Committee. While multi-county districts lose out on this additional support from the County. Carolyn's concern about Arapahoe county possibly being in seven multi-county legislative districts is a serious concern from a party management perspective. Douglas County is very pleased to see that the preliminary plan shows four house districts wholly within the county, however, legislative plans also show Douglas being in two multi-county Senate Districts. Douglas is within only one multi-county legislative district today. The preliminary plan will increase that to two. From a party management perspective, that affects ALL parties, the fewer multi-county districts you have in the metropolitan area, the better. One more item... It would be my desire that legislative district numbering stay close to what it is today. For example, right now, Douglas has House districts 39, 43, 44, and 45. There are four House Districts in Douglas in the Preliminary Plan. Is there a reason that they have to be numbered 22 (43), 31 (44), 32 (45), and 33 (39)? State Statutes say that House and Senate Districts should have their own rules/bylaws. So if we have rules written for the legislative districts, as well as websites, and even bank accounts set up with with the district number in the name, all these accounts and documents need to change. Whereas, if the districts are resized, but the numbers stay the same, these documents and accounts can move to the redefined district.

Corena Hampton

Commission: both

Zip: 81328

Submittted: August 07, 2021


I am a lifelong resident and 4th generation in Mancos, Montezuma County. I do not agree with any type of redistricting. Our County is established and in very good working order. Changes would take away from and hinder our community. Respectfully, Corena Hampton

kathy thompson

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81428

Submittted: August 07, 2021


Dear Commissioners- The current dividing line for Delta County between House District 54 and 61 is working. We need to maintain that line and recommend that the Gunnison River Basin remain intact. At a minimum, extend the house and senate districts to include the entire North Fork Valley watershed to the edge of Gunnison County’s borders. I live in Paonia, CO and feel our North Fork Valley of the Gunnison River watershed is our most important resource. I believe that the values derived from this watershed are shared and most appreciated by Gunnison County where the majority of this watershed resides. Thank you, Kathy Thompson

jacquelyn mecoli-kovach

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81122

Submittted: August 07, 2021


1. unparalleled natural resources & quality of life are economic drivers that unite our community 2. some of our public policy concerns are effects on our natural resources due to climate change, ie water conservation, fire mitigation, clean/sustainable energy 3. all public lands, city, county, state, & federal provide features unique to the Colorado Plateau, 4 Corners & Western Slope from high desert to alpine terrain) 4. citizens are caring & involved and deserve representation that reflects thoughtfulness that includes & reflects all our varied interests