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Susanna Kyler

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80521

Submittted: September 04, 2021


I am concerned about removing Fort Collins from district 2 as the people of Fort Collins do not share the same concerns that the people of weld county do. I believe this change will silence the voice of Fort Collins if we are removed from district 2. We should have the right to have our voices represented by the district that shares our same concerns and the new map prevents that from being possible. Please reconsider! I am a 24 years old and I want to continue voting in our elections, but if we are no longer a part of district 2. I feel my voice will not be heard. I really appreciate your efforts in this difficult matter and I hope you can help my home keep it's voice.

Isaac Rojas

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 04, 2021


I see the proposed map aims to maintain a similar number of Coloradans. However, representation will be diminished with the grouping of communities with drastically different priorities. As a Fort Collins resident, the way we are districted in the new map ensures that our representation will be pulled in too many different directions that it will be nearly impossible to placate.\@)

Charlotte McKernan-O’Brien

Commission: both

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 04, 2021


The latest map doesn’t make any sense for Fort Collins. Why is Fort Collins, a strong liberal area, split in half? Why would I have the same interests and needs as someone living in Weld or the planes? I don’t get it and I’m concerned about being on the same voter group as Coloradans out East.

Misty Plowright

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80915

Submittted: September 04, 2021


Here is the map requested with a Southern District. I incorporated the request by the Ute Mountain Nation to remain with Pueblo/San Luis Valley, and as a result was not able to fully capture the Colorado Springs metro area. However I believe the dividing line in nothern Colorado Springs is appropriate. This map also maintains numerous communities of interest as expressed in public commentary across numerous hearings. Thank you,

Erik Kowalczyk

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 04, 2021


I feel that the new zoning would have negative effects on my community. People who live in old town Fort Collins don’t have the same values as those in sterling. Thank you :)

Mike Jackson

Commission: both

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 04, 2021


Fort Collins does not belong with rural Eastern Colorado. It belongs with the other populated areas of Larimer County. Fort Collins and Eastern Colorado are two distinctly different areas and neither will benefit from being represented as if they were not.

Patrick Mahoney

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 04, 2021


I live in Fort Collins. As I look at the "Colorado Congressional Districts -First Staff Plan Released on September 3, 2021" I see that Fort Collins is cut out almost along the city boundaries and placed in a district with the entire eastern half of the state and I question how or why anyone would think the interests of the citizens of Fort Collins would align with the citizens of Lamar. The representative that we would get would get one city who is concerned about rising crime, homelessness, and traffic merged with the entire eastern half of the state who are mostly worried about farming issues. How could a representative represent both groups with so little in common? This reminds me of the 4th congressional district map from the 2000's with Marilyn Musgrave as our representative in Fort Collins. I met her in person several times and she was extremely knowledgeable about farming issues but did pretty much nothing to represent the concerns of her constituents in the city of Fort Collins. It was a deeply frustrating experience to talk to a representative who literally didn't understand and didn't care about the issues of a substantial portion of the people she represented. Discussions of homelessness and traffic are not high on the list in Fort Morgan, Sterling and Lamar. I know very little about how these maps are created and I am sure it is a difficult task. But we live in a representational democracy and I don't understand why you would draw a map in such a way that no one could actually represent such a diverse group.

Christy Charny

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 04, 2021


I live in Fort Collins, and the redistricting map released today is complete nonsense. It makes no logical sense to keep ALL of Larimer county in district two EXCEPT Fort Collins. This is clearly an attempt to dilute the voices and votes of Fort Collins county into district four. This is illogical and insulting to me as a Fort Collins resident. This plan reeks of partisan power grabbing. Keep us in district 2 and stop this foolishness.

Arnold Kingston

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80521

Submittted: September 04, 2021


This map keeps a high proportionality to the statewide vote, with a 100/100 score on Dave's Redistricting App, and splits few counties, staying compact and keeping areas in close proximity together.

Max Diamond

Commission: congressional

Zip: 78723

Submittted: September 04, 2021


Good afternoon, I'll start off by saying that I'm not a member of your state, and I don't want to tell you how to draw your maps. But, I do have one suggestion which I think you may find interesting: has the Committee taken into consideration the idea of giving the districts proper names? I believe this will decrease the potential for gerrymandering, increase the amount of interest-based districts, rather than partisan-based ones, and will also result in a large uptick of people who are aware of who their representative is without having to look it up. I'm sending a similar inquiry to all state committees as well. Please take it under consideration. Thank you and all the best, ~ Max Diamond