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Christopher Vincent

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81401

Submittted: September 07, 2021


I believe I speak for a majority of rural western Colorado when I say nobody west of the continental divide wants to be represented by Boulder. The purpose of representatives is they align their values with the majority of the counties they represent. Boulder being a very populated county would be allowed to dominate other counties with fringe left politicians. Boulder has always been fringe of Colorado politics. Rural counties want representation from their Congress person. The first proposed redistricting map seems very partisan and should be rejected.

Judy Langston

Commission: both

Zip: 81401

Submittted: September 07, 2021


In my opinion no currently elected official should be moved out of their current district because of these changes. The numbering of the legislative districts should remain as close to the current numbering as is possible to avoid confusion by the voters. All of Boulder County should not be included in Congressional District 2 because the population of Boulder County is large enough that Boulder County would be controlling the outcome of elections in that district. The western slope is largely agriculture where as Boulder County is not. The majority of people in our area agree with the maps produced by Club 20.

Mary Louise Gerek

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80528

Submittted: September 07, 2021


Today I took my first look at the redistricting map for the congressional districts. I am amazed that Fort Collins is cut out and included with the agricultural counties to our east. With CSU located here, and the growing population of retired professionals moving into Fort Collins, it has very little in common with the agricultural and oil based economies of the eastern counties. The concerns that I and the folks I know want addressed is air quality, limitations on fracking, and social justice for our immigrant populations. These policy concerns are more in line with more urban communities than rural farming communities. Please reconsider this alignment of unlike values and goals as we move into creating new congressional districts. I do not think my community's interest will be represented at the national level with the newly drawn district.

Nancy Gunow

Commission: both

Zip: 80498

Submittted: September 07, 2021


The preliminary redistricting maps of June 2021 seemed most in line with a fair and equitable solution, to give Summit County representation with other western slope communities, rather than Boulder and others on the eastern slope, with whom we have much less in common. Please reconsider the recent changes, and revert back to the maps that would best represent our communtiy.

Georgia Locker

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 07, 2021


I have been notified that the Redistricting Commission is considering taking Ft. Collins out of the present district, that is made up of Boulder and Larimer Counties, and placing Ft. Collins with Weld County. I find this unacceptable. I want the district here to remain the same. Larimer County has a League of Women Voters, that encompasses Ft. Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park. We have the Larimer County Commissioners that involve the entire county--people from the three cities work together. We are not a big farming area, which Weld County is. PLEASE DO NOT SPLIT FORT COLLINS FROM THE REST OF THE COUNTY. I BELIEVE WE CITIZENS FROM BOULDER AND LARIMER COUNTIES WORK TOGETHER WELL--EDUCATION IS VERY BIG IN BOTH COUNTIES, WITH THE TWO BIG UNIVERSITIES HERE. WE ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO CLEAN UP OUR LAND AND AIR. THE ENVIRONMENT IS IMPORTANT TO THE TWO COUNTIES--AND BEING MONITORED. Please leave Fort Collins in the present district. Thank you. Georgia Locker Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Mark Rush

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 07, 2021


I believe it is VERY important district's are redrawn with complete impartiality. I sincerely hope, that neither pary will be disadvantaged or punished in anyway for integrity. Thank you. Mark Rush

Lisbeth Dickson

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 07, 2021


I can understand to some extent the wish to have equal numbers in each of the congressional districts. However, equally important is the need to balance rural needs and urban needs along with regional needs. The draft congressional map makes it look as though the only consideration is to have equal numbers in each of the districts. Furthermore it looks as though the committee must be made up of people who have no idea about the composition of the counties they have limped together. I have great hope that independent commission can be non partisan and be a model for other states to get politics out of the process. Please don't disappoint!

Bill I

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81601

Submittted: September 07, 2021


I’m concerned that western slope counties are going to be included with Boulder/Larimer and other front range counties. If this happens the front range will be calling the shots for rural western Colorado by virtue of the size of their population. Seems like a blatant attempt to turn our congressional seat blue. The front range have their issues and interests and we in Garfield county have ours, which are obviously different. There has to be a fairer way to do this.

John Mosher

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81147

Submittted: September 07, 2021


Thank you for listening to the public and providing a new more fair and competitive map for CD3. I fully approve of the new CD3 redistricting that no longer includes Garfield County. Please keep it this way. Thanks

Sherri Valentine

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 07, 2021


If keeping communities and community areas together is NOT part of redistricting, the entire point is missed. At the very least, counties should be kept together! I specifically refer to the community of Loveland (and possibly Berthoud - I cannot tell for certain from the published maps I've seen), which has (have?) been excluded from the rest of Larimer County - of which we are very much a part - and grouped with Weld and other northeastern counties with which Loveland has no nexus. There are other things I believe this current map does that do not serve our citizens and communities, but splitting community areas is the worst. I hope you will abandon this map and do a better job of keep our communities together. Thank you.