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Karissa Gagnon

Commission: both

Zip: 80478

Submittted: September 09, 2021


Here's the text from my comment that explains why Grand County's "community of interests," which are part of what matters for redistricting, are more aligned with the Front Range than with the agriculture and resource-based Western Slope. I strongly encourage the commissioners to select a map that includes Grand County in a congressional district with Front Range communities. Grand County is primarily a recreation-based area and economy, and it shares more communities of interest with Boulder and Larimer County than with western counties, which are primarily agriculture and resource-based. Our concerns about the environment, equity, public health and housing are much more similar to residents on the Front Range. These concerns have been routinely rejected by congressional representatives from the western part of Colorado. We don’t believe that someone elected from the western part of Colorado would represent our interests. I was glad to see that the plan released in June, which would have made Grand County part of a western slope District 3, was not pursued. I support the proposed Staff Plan 1 and the plan proposed by Commissioner Coleman. I prefer the latter because it consolidates the recreation-based counties (Grand, Routt, Eagle, Summit, Pitkin, Lake) so that those communities of interests have stronger representation.

Joseph Wetherington

Commission: both

Zip: 81201

Submittted: September 09, 2021


This redistricting is favoring Democrats and is not bipartisan in a way that reflects the diversity of Colorado. This is bad for Republicans, specifically Lamborn and Bobert. It puts Bobert up against Neguese in a dem leaning district with Kerry Donovan in a district with no incumbent. This redistricting prioritizes Denver metro area and front range urban areas, so we get 1 rural district instead of two if this goes through as is, making Colorado even more blue than it already is. Ridiculous.

Vicki Siska

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 09, 2021


My city, Fort Collins, is part of Larimer County. It has a distinct character that differs in both scope and needs from the Eastern Plains of Colorado, specifically in the areas of education, transportation, the requirements necessary to successfully engage and benefit from a tier one research university, and also, but not limited to, the needs of several high tech employers. My city is also seeks to address issues of urban homelessness and population growth, air quality and the goals of diversity and inclusiveness. I believe our needs, wants and requirements have much more in common with other communities along the Front Range, such as Boulder, and urge you to consider and respect our redistricting needs so that we can be the best we can be, both for Fort Collins and for the state of Colorado.

Howard Watts

Commission: both

Zip: 80109

Submittted: September 09, 2021


+ I'm strongly opposed to the proposed redistricting as it completely dilutes Douglas county and rural Colorado conservative voters in favor of liberal voters. Once again, liberals have to cheat in order to win elections.

Shannon Lukens

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 09, 2021


I like it. I like the plan that you have presented of CD2 and CD3... kind of upper half and lower half. It adds diversity with the counties (Moffat, RB, Routt, Jackson, Grand, Larimer, and Boulder, etc.), and then the lower half. I think it looks fairly even and I think you did a very good job with this one. It looks fair.

William Magginetti

Commission: both

Zip: 80911

Submittted: September 09, 2021


This action is clearly a political maneuver in an attempt to redraw lines in favor of specific political parties. The counting of persons within these areas who are clearly and without doubt criminals, unlawfully living within the state of Colorado and have NO rights under the constitution of this state nor of this nation to vote, constitutes a criminal act by the current administration. The blatant attempt by the current administration to force the will of the democratic party upon the entirety of the state will NOT be allowed to stand. There is nothing wrong with the districts as they currently stand., Therefore there is absolutely no reason to change any of the districts boundaries. Leave the districts alone or place the entire matter before a vote of the people of the state of Colorado. William B Magginetti

Mary Gomez

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80007

Submittted: September 09, 2021


Thank you for the opportunity to comment on such an important topic. I’m very concerned about the proposed redistricting of CD 2 and CD 3 which effects the western slope. Boulder and Larimer counties are urban counties with urban a mentality. Much different from that of the western slope and completely different from that of nw Colorado in particular! The western slope in general is rural and independently minded with nothing in common with these more populated counties on the and if the western slope is placed in the same CD we do not have a voice. Please make western slope one congressional district!

Rosemarie Shier

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 09, 2021


I am in full agreement with the following comment posted on Facebook today: Common Geography, History, Culture, and Economy. This area is a cohesive Community of Interest. Geography and Economy. This area shares three watersheds: The Arkansas, San Juan, and Rio Grande Rivers. These rivers are of vast importance to the agricultural and tourist economies and the small towns of the region. Characteristics of this community. There is a large Hispanic/LatinX community that goes back several generations. There are three designated Hispanic Serving Institutions of higher education: Adams State, CSU Pueblo, and Pueblo Community College. Unfortunately, the SCRB is the most impoverished area of Colorado and desperately in need of excellent representation at the federal level. Fortunately, the SCRB is the developing Renewable Energy Capitol of Colorado. Medical facilities in Pueblo serve folks in the Arkansas river Valley. Fort Carson is in south El Paso County. Many of its families live in South El Paso County and Pueblo. Veterans are forced to go to the VA hospital in New Mexico. A strong federal representative could help bring a VA hospital to the SCRB. Only 65% of SCRB residents have High-Speed Internet compared to 85% of those outside the SCRB. This community needs help. The SCRB is a cohesive community of interest with many common needs and interests. Please support the designation of SCRB as a US Congressional District

T Adam Noble

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81524

Submittted: September 09, 2021


I would like to strongly oppose this proposed redistricting. I would like to see the 3rd and 4th Congressional districts remain the same. I feel that if there are changes made, the rural areas will lose our voice to the opinions of the front range. There is no good reason to do this, other than the left trying to take our opinions away so they can move an agenda in on rural residents to match what they have created in other areas. We are losing to this kind of take over on so many fronts in rural Colorado. Colorado is known for its wide open spaces, and agriculture plays a vital role in keeping open space for every resident to enjoy. If we continue to elect people so far removed from agriculture, we run the inherent risk of damaging these rural areas in Colorado and redistricting would allow more opportunity for the wrong opinions to be voted into office.

Lynda Manning

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 09, 2021


Please do not cut Fort Collins out of Larimer County and add it on to Weld County. We share interests with Boulder and none with the farming interests of Weld. Joe Neguse has been fantastic in representing me and my interests. Don't revert back to the past where we were with Greeley and were denied representation. Thank you.