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Martin Wolf

Commission: both

Zip: 80919

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Greetings Folks, The sole purpose behind creation and implementation of your Commission was to ensure an unbiased, non-partisan i.e. fair, and transparent procedure for drawing up redistricting maps after a census. PLEASE take a stand for honesty, transparency and non-partisanship in Colorado by rejecting any maps that might be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts for one party--in particular right now, the GOP. Specifically, you must reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by openly nonpartisan staff without a one-party agenda.

Glenda Sinks

Commission: both

Zip: 80226

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Please, reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. The nonpartisan staff is nonpartisan--duh! Support their maps! Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz are Republicans. Reject their maps! This should be nonpartisan, not another grab for power by the Republicans. Put democracy to work, not oligarchs.

Jill Wildenberg

Commission: both

Zip: 80220

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I am imploring you to reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Barnett and Kottwitz are working with non-disclosing and unregistered GOP operatives lobbying to shove through a last-minute set of maps to the Supreme Court. This is a mockery of everything that Independent Redistricting Commissions are meant to stand for.

Michael Rees

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I learned Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz are supporting new maps that would gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP. These maps would fundamentally alter the make-up of the state senate and house, almost certainly ensuring control for Colorado Republicans over the next decade. Please reject these maps, stand for transparency, and support the maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Thank you. Michael Rees

Jose Quinones

Commission: both

Zip: 80236

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Virginia Gebhart

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80301

Submittted: October 07, 2021


The shared interest that unites my community is democracy. It appears it is under attack by Republican Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and their Dark Money pals. I've participated in the open meetings where many citizens and Commissioners shared the work and responsibility of following the intent of the legislation which enabled the formation of the Redistricting Commission. I was impressed that the Commission worked tirelessly to incorporate the public input into their deliberations and final maps. This has been a long, difficult, open public process. Please reject the attempt by Dark Money groups to hi-jack this process and work product at the last minute. Let's prove that it is possible to reject the continual corruption of our political process by these bad actors who can't tolerate the sunlight. Let's show that democracy lives in sunlight. Reject the actions and influence of Dark Money.

Helen Sigmond

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81101

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I am concerned that Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz are undermining the non-partisan redistricting system by submitting their own maps. Please do not allow them to push through partisan maps.

Sharleen Farmer

Commission: both

Zip: 81120

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I urge you to reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Carmen Urich

Commission: both

Zip: 80525

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support nonpartisan maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Duane J. Leise

Commission: both

Zip: 80504

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I urge the commission to adhere to the non-partisan mandate for the redistricting commission. And in that spirit I ask that the commission keep the maps put together by the non-partisan commission staff and reject the maps put forward by two Republican members ( Barnett and Kottwitz) of the commission. Thank You.