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Judith A Powers

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80524

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Legislative maps agreed upon by the commission and the public have been finalized, but commission members Barnett and Kottwitz, in league with Republican outside operatives, are planning to submit gerrymandered maps that will ensure Republican control of the Colorado legislature for the next decade. You must approve ONLY the maps submitted by the Redistricting Commission, who created them in cooperation with the citizens of Colorado, and reject any other maps, especially the ones submitted by Barnett and Kottwitz.

Jean Walter

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81301

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Dear Commission: In urging a vote for the redistricting commission, the League of Women Voters said that voters should choose their elected officials, not the other way around. It's my understanding that maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz intend gerrymandering contrary to what we voted for. Please support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Thank you.

Linda Erickson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Please keep the transparency and reject the gerrymandered maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.

Alice Roszczewski

Commission: both

Zip: 80863

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Hello, Please support the Redistricting maps drawn up by non partisan staff. Please reject the maps drawn up by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz.

Marjorie McIntosh

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80302

Submittted: October 07, 2021


While I might be open to some degree of questioning of the final set of maps submitted by the Independent Commission if there is serious concern that they have split up heavily minority areas in such a way that weakens the ability of people of color to influence the outcome of elections and elect people that represent them, I am *NOT* in favor of the current efforts by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz to modify the proposed district boundaries. Their actions seem to be an overtly partisan maneuvre, an end-run to modify the agreed-upon maps after their submission. This is exactly the kind of political gerry-mandering that the Independent Commission was supposed to eliminate. Hence I hope you will reject their efforts and insist, as the voters dictated, on a genuinely Independent Commission. Marjorie McIntosh

Lisa Self

Commission: both

Zip: 81301

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Please, please take a stand for transparency by rejecting any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Thank you very much, Lisa Self

Irv Broudy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I write in support of the proposed congressional district maps drawn by non-partisan staff currently under consideration by the full board of commissioners. I oppose recent and ongoing last minute attempts at gerrymandering those maps by Commissioner Barnett and Kottwitz. Please keep the process transparent and vote to approve the staff recommendations which have gone through an extensive evaluation and public comment process.They are fair and equitable to all political parties.

Sharon Slade

Commission: both

Zip: 80227

Submittted: October 07, 2021


Please reject the maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Gerrymandering in any form should not be tolerated.

Marge Norskog

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I have learned that a partisan group that includes two of the Republican Party reps on the commission is submitting a map outside of the public process. It is imperative that maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz are rejected. Coloradans expect the maps that went through the public review and comment process and drawn up by nonpartisan staff that align to the statutes be supported. Once again I am taking advantage of opportunities to comment. I’m hopeful citizen voices will continue to be heard and this final phase of map review will continue the precedent set so far and fulfill the intent of the legislation during this process to create redistricting maps.


Commission: legislative

Zip: 81403

Submittted: October 07, 2021


I respectfully ask for transparency by rejecting any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz, and please support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.