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Joseph Marr

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I have reviewed the plan and the maps and it is confusing. There seems to be no logic to the boundaries. The divisions are east-west or north-south but do not reflect the large variations in peoples’ attitudes, interests, and community across the state. People on the Western slope who happen to be in the same district with others on the Eastern slope may have little in common. It is completely unclear how representatives suddenly can understand and relate to people distant from their current constituents. Our representative will live in Lafayette and represent a very different part of the state as well. Of personal importance to me is that Broomfield will be divided into separate districts. This would be an enormous mistake. This is a tightly knit community of like-minded people with common interests and goals. Dividing us for some political reason would be a terrible disservice and create enormous resentment.

Bruce Talbott

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81526

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Western Colorado is very different than the front range culturally and economically and needs to be its own district as much as possible. Years ago we were gerrymandered with Fort Collins for the purpose of unseating Representative Wayne Aspinall. He had not campaigned in years because as the representative of Western Colorado, there was no need to. He underestimated the impact of a Front Range city in the district and did not respond appropriately. Once he was gone the district was changed back because it never made sense in the first place and neither side of the hill was happy. Western Colorado shares a drainage that bonds us, is predominately rural and agriculture which also is a community of interest. Urban interests are entirely different and those voting blocks tend to overpower any self determination rural communities may have. If you get down to communities of interest on a hard core level, it would make more sense for Western Colorado to annex to either Utah or better yet Wyoming. We would be far more politically compatible. I prefer the original plan most but on the second staff plan, if the third district could keep Moffat, Rio Blanco, Garfield, Fremont , Custer and Teller counties and had to give up Routt, Eagle and Summit counties, it would be the least damaging. The closer we can be to keeping Western Colorado intact the better off the communities are. Thank you for your attention

June K Dreith

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I am against the most recent Congressional District Redistricting map released September 15, 2021. You are taking Loveland out of District 2. There is no way this is fair putting Loveland into a district made up mostly of Weld County. Loveland has nothing in common with Weld County. Loveland is not rural and doesn’t have oil and gas wells. Is not an agricultural based economy with meat packing plant. In addition, the placement of Loveland in with Weld County would greatly bias the voting population towards the Republican party something the redistricting committee promised they would not do. I have in the passed written the committee a very long comment letter regarding placing Loveland in with Weld County and how the residents of Loveland DO NOT WANT to be in the same district as Weld County. WHY DID YOU NOT Listen? I suggest you find that rather long and detailed comments letter I send you as my comment on this redistricting proposal have not changed. I cannot express how deeply disappointed I am in your continued effort to stick Loveland in with Weld County. In closing, we are very happy with our present House Representative Joe Neguse and wish to remain in his district, so stop messing with us pick on some other area of Colorado.

Summit County Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80424

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I will be speaking to the commission on the virtual meeting Saturday morning, but I want to submit a map that I believe addresses the issues around both competitiveness and compactness in our mountain communities. This map would solve the issues around rural Larimer County being put in with Moffat County in a very unwieldy district, keep Summit County whole and reduce the overall number of county splits, and protect the seat around the Roaring Fork Valley. Additionally, both Democratic and Republican candidates would have won House Districts 46, 49 and 57 at various points over the past 10 years. House District 26 has tilted Republican, but falls within the competitive range using the composite of 2016-2020 races. This is a substantial improvement on the staff map, creating 3 competitive districts instead of 3 safe seats in the mountains.

Tracy Wahl

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 17, 2021


It's such a bizarre map. Shows a complete lack if understanding of the various political cultures in CO. To claim that Las Animas County a community of interest with the entire western slope is absurd.

Marilyn Marr

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I have been a part of the Broomfield for 21 years and have watched as we have grown as a community. Splitting our community into two districts is counterintuitive.

Ryan Germeroth

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80129

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I don't believe it's in the best interest of eastern Colorado to be lumped in with the suburban / urban areas of Douglas County or the North Front range. I believe the needs and policy interests of the eastern plains and those suburban core areas are different. In the case of Douglas County, the suburban areas should be included with districts to the north / south.

Les Liman

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 17, 2021


I live in Steamboat Springs. I urge the commission not to split the western slope. Routt County and Moffat County should be in the same district. I have 110 employees that work in Routt County (ACZ Laboratories and Twin Landfill Corporation), and fully half of them commute to Steamboat Springs from Craig and and Hayden to work. in Steamboat. There clearly is a strong connection between Routt and Moffat. We would like to be in same congressional district.

Peggy Baumgartel

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Loveland should not be placed in District 4 with Weld County while Ft. Collins, Berthoud and Longmont remain in Larimer. We would lose our excellent representative Joe Neguse. The political leanings in Loveland better match those of most of Larimer County not Weld County.

Max Schmidt

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 17, 2021


Please keep Eagle county in CD3. We do not belong in CD2 with Boulder. Thank you