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Janice Martin

Commission: both

Zip: 81211

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Take a stand for full transparency. REJECT the unethical maps that in no way represent the will of the people created by Barnett and Kottwitz. I support maps by the non by partisan staff. Cpa for a school district is required to be transparent then so should they!!!

Robin Kupernik

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80004

Submittted: October 08, 2021


I understand there is a last minute effort by two Redistricting Commissioners to push through maps that would favor Republican control of our state legislature. This is not ok - these two commissioners are working with unregistered GOP operatives lobbying to push through maps outside of the normal process. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Thank you.

Susan Aubin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80521-2407

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Dear Commisioners, Thank you for all that you do. It has come to my attention that a couple of Republicans are trying to make some last minute changes to the redistricting maps. Lately it seems that last minute actions performed by Republicans are often acts of desperation and are performed for a certain segment of the population. Understandably controlling things is an enticing idea. However, I am asking that you reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisanstaff. Thank you Stay safe, Susan Aubin


Commission: both

Zip: 80905

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Reject the maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz developed outside the redistricting commissions and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. td

Gene C. Feith

Commission: both

Zip: 81082

Submittted: October 08, 2021


I support and encourage the adoption of the 3rd Staff Plan Legislative Maps for the Colorado Assembly Senate and House. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz . Support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff such as the 3rd Staff Legislative Map Plan. Please reject any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative district

Carlos Lopez

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: October 08, 2021


I support and encourage the adoption of the 3rd Staff Plan Legislative Maps for the Colorado Assembly Senate and House. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz . Support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff such as the 3rd Staff Legislative Map Plan. Please reject any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative district

Reynolds Kenney

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80917

Submittted: October 08, 2021


PLEASE reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff!

Ruth Ann Hellman

Commission: both

Zip: 80122

Submittted: October 08, 2021


I am actually in the process of moving from Centennial to Aurora. My main concern is to urge the Redistricting Commission to be vigilant in your work to protect the noon-partisan process. I am a registered Democrat, but I vote with an open mind and I participate in Bi-partisan groups when I can find one. I have received concerning messages from my democratic colleagues about Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz advancing new maps that have a clearly partisan impact in favor of the Republican party. Honestly, this is all more than I understand. I only want to say that I am counting on YOU to be fair. Ruth Hellman

Brandon J Ritz

Commission: both

Zip: 81082

Submittted: October 08, 2021


The gerrymandering being pushed by Barnett and Kottwitz is absolutely disgusting, they understand that the majority of Colorado votes or leans blue, so they are using underhanded tactics to take voting power away from everyone in Colorado. The maps they have pushed for must be rejected immediately, and these commissioners need to be held accountable for their dishonest practices.

Zibbie Lanham

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81082

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please Adopt your independent commissions 3rd staff plan legislative maps, as they are most fair and equitable as they are now! Please Reject reps Barnett and Kottwitz's maps and attempts to change the fabric of our legislative branch in Colorado for partisan benefit, instead of ours! I feel 'we the people' in my district were left without adequate consideration in final Congressional redistricting, but your current 3rd Legislative Plan maps are fair and balanced as they are. Again, Please Adopt the 3rd Plan Maps without further gerrymandering, and Thanks from citizens for your independent consideration.