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Mary E. B. Hoover

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80218

Submittted: October 09, 2021


Dear Colorado Legislative Redistricting Commission Members: I am aware that Commissioners Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kottwitz are attempting to push through maps tarnished by ongoing, unreported lobbying. Their goal is to unfairly gerrymander the Colorado Senate and House for the GOP. I urge you to reject these maps! Gerrymandering is very destructive to our democracy. Please take a stand on transparency and support maps drawn by the nonpartisan staff. I have worked hard in a number of elections to get candidates I support elected. I am happy to do this. But we must keep a fair and level playing field. Gerrymandering rigs elections. Please don't let this happen in our state.

Herbert Bowman

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81301

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I ask that you reject the maps being pushed by the highly partisan Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. There was bound to be some partisan maneuvering attempted here but this goes beyond the pale. We are relying on you as a group to discourage this type of last minute end-a-round, and ultimately present a fair legislative map to the public, a map we can all feel confident was the result of a logical, reasoned process.

Lisa Weber

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81137

Submittted: October 08, 2021


I implore that the Commission REJECT any map submitted by Commissioners BARNETT and KOTTWITZ. These are gerrymandered maps that DO NOT represent the best interest for all voters in Colorado. Please support only maps drawn by the nonpartisan staff. Thank you.

Kyle Anderson

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80239

Submittted: October 08, 2021


This is in reference to the legislative maps being proposed by commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz. I am asking that the maps being proposed by commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz be rejected. The purpose of establishing these redistricting commissions was to take gerrymandering out of the process, so that neither side had an unfair advantage in the redistricting process, and the districts would be drawn in a manner that best reflects the state electorate. These two commissioners are coordinating with shadowy Republicans operatives in order to use this process as a Republican power grab. Accepting these maps, even considering these maps defeats the purpose of Amendments Y and Z. Reject these maps!!!!

Carolyn Bluel

Commission: both

Zip: 80227

Submittted: October 08, 2021


You all need to reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. This is a total misuse of this power concerning redistricting. When do politicians start working for all people not just Republicans….dishonesty and disingenuousness are running rampant! Please stop this from happening!

Anne Swisher

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81303

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Commissioners, I recently received reliable information that 2 of the members of the Legislative Redistricting Commission, Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kottwitz, are attempting to push through redistricting maps not drawn by the commission but by unreported lobbyists attempting to gerrymander the legislative districts for the GOP. As a registered voter,I would urge you to only consider maps drawn by the entire nonpartisan staff as Colorado moves toward more equitable representation that reflects the makeup of our state. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Anne Swisher

Richard Niemeier

Commission: both

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Dear Colorado Independent Redistrict Commissioners, On Tuesday, nonpartisan, neutral redistricting staff submitted their final set of legislative maps to the commission, which would ensure fair representation for the people of Colorado, as they wanted. But, I have read that Republican legislative Redistricting Commissioners Hunter Barnett (R) and Aislinn Kottwitz (R) are working with non-disclosing and unregistered GOP operatives lobbying to shove through a last-minute set of maps to the Supreme Court that would fundamentally alter the make-up of the state senate and house, almost certainly ensuring control for Colorado Republicans over the next decade. This is a mockery of everything that Independent Redistricting Commissions are meant to stand for. I am writing to urge you to take a stand for transparency by rejecting any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP. Sincerely, Richard Niemeier Ridgway, CO Tell them to reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Debra Frazier

Commission: both

Zip: 81641

Submittted: October 08, 2021


The citizens of Colorado voted to create an independent redistricting commission to draw an unbiased map of our congressional and legislative districts. Take a stand for transparency by rejecting any maps that could be influenced by unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP, in particular maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz. Support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. In a Democracy every voter should have equal opportunity in electing a person who represents their concerns.

Melissa Bonacquista

Commission: both

Zip: 81020

Submittted: October 08, 2021


We need COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY as the Redistricting Committee has finalized their map and sent it to the Supreme Court!! How dare two members of this committee - a committee who has worked very hard during this process - choose to act illicitly, immorally, unethically and take actions to try and lobby, last minute, to alter what the Committee has handed off to the Supreme Court!! Shame on you Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kottwitz!!!!! I support & encourage the adoption of the 3rd Staff Plan Legislative Maps for the CO Assembly Senate & House. Please REJECT the actions, & the maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett & Kottwitz. Who are they to think they can pull off a coup like this!!! Their actions and any maps they present are obviously an attempt at political party bias, and their methods using unreported lobbying to gerrymander the legislative districts should NOT BE TOLERATED!! This is a slap in the face to the other members of the Redistricting Commission!! Please support maps drawn by the NON-PARTISAN STAFF of the Committee - the 3rd Staff Legislative Map Plan!! The vote of the people of CO, and the work of the Red. Committee stand to be made a laughing stock if this undercover behavior of 2 members is allowed!!

Sandra J and Jack Van Ens

Commission: both

Zip: 80005

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please reject map gerrymandering & lobbying changes being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and their unreported lobbying groups. DO support the maps drawn by the nonpartisan Commission staff!!!!! Thanks for your hard work. CO must NOT be listening to these two Commissioners and their unreported lobbying to gerrymander the existing maps for the GOP.