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Christina Callicott

Commission: both

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I urge you to reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and to support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Please reject any and all attempts at partisan gerrymandering of our democracy.

Arthur C. Buono

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I object to the attempt by Commissioners Hunter Barnett and Aislinn Kottwitz to obtain approval of redistricting proposals that would fundamentally alter the make-up of the state senate and house and hand control of the legislature to the Republican party. It is my understanding that these Commissioners are violating the spirit and the letter of their office by acting at the behest of undisclosed and unregistered lobbyists in what amounts to gerrymandering for the advantage of their party. If Coloradans had wanted to maintain the status quo of political gerrymandering, we never would have voted for a supposedly independent, nonpartisan commission to do this work surreptitiously. I would prefer to see such corruption committed in broad daylight and by the legislature itself in open session--or not at all! Sincerely, Arthur C. Buono Salida, Colorado

Tom Edward Bomer

Commission: both

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I write in support of the proposed redistricting maps drawn by non-partisan staff currently under consideration by the full board of commissioners. I oppose recent and ongoing last minute attempts at gerrymandering those maps by Commissioner Barnett and Kottwitz. Please keep the process transparent and vote to approve the staff recommendations which have gone through an extensive evaluation and public comment process. They are fair and equitable to all political parties. Please do not allow this process to be subverted!

Alejandra Beatty

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80007

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I have heard that a different set of new maps have been submitted by commissioners Hunter Barnett (R) and Aislinn Kottwitz , circumventing the process used by this commission, and using unregistered operatives no less. This should be wholly, and with vigor, be rejected by this commission. These last minute attempts to manipulate a democratic process should be reviewed closely, with full transparency. I urge the commission to review these requests with the highest degree of transparency.

Fran Rulon-Miller

Commission: both

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I write in support of the proposed redistricting maps drawn by non-partisan staff currently under consideration by the full board of commissioners. I oppose recent and ongoing last minute attempts at gerrymandering those maps by Commissioner Barnett and Kottwitz. Please keep the process transparent and vote to approve the staff recommendations which have gone through an extensive evaluation and public comment process.They are fair and equitable to all political parties.

Sig Jaastad

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81211-9537

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I write in support of the legislative redistricting map submitted by the non-partisan staff and urge its adoption by the full board of commissioners. I am strongly opposed to the despicable actions of Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz to gerrymander the proposed map for political advantage. Their actions depart from the intent of the Commission to provide districts that fairly represent the voters of Colorado and warrant their dismissal from the Commission. It is essential that the Commission make public the efforts of these Commissioners and maintain a full transparency throughout the remainder of their deliberations. Respectfully, Sig Jaastad

Gina Raye

Commission: both

Zip: 81082

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I support and encourage the adoption of the 3rd Staff Plan Legislative Maps for the Colorado Assembly Senate and House. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz . Support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff such as the 3rd Staff Legislative Map Plan. Please reject any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative district

Katherine Czukas

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80919

Submittted: October 09, 2021


My name is Ms. Katherine Czukas. I am representing myself. I have additional comments about recently posted amendments to the House and Senate map amendments and plans in the past 60 minutes. My prior comments submitted on 10/9 discuss about the challenging boundary of HD14 and HD18 in western Colorado Springs dividing up communities of interest. In light of the public level details on 2 other new amendments, I’d encourage a small change to any of the 3 recent changes: HA.010 McReynolds (presented October 7, 2021), HA.011 Kottwitz, Buckley to HA.010 (presented October 8, 2021), or HA.012 Greenidge to keep the W. Colorado Avenue neighborhood (between Manitou Springs and Colorado Springs) and Mountain Shadows whole by coming up with different boundary than current El Paso County Precinct 102. I’ve given a recommendation of the census blocks in Precinct 102 to consider to use to be a more appropriate boundary. Thank you again for making information publicly available.

Gary Roberts

Commission: both

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 09, 2021


All I ask is that ALL redistricting be fair and open. The redistricting should not be influenced or controlled by lobby groups that are single party affiliated. The redistricting must be done to not allow a minority of voters to control our legislative process. This undemocratic process is found throughout our country and is against our constitution and democratic processes. Do not allow commissioners Kottwitz and Barnett to derail a fair redistricting process. Thank you: Gary Roberts

Connie Paine

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80528

Submittted: October 09, 2021


Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.