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Robyn Cascade

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 10, 2021


I understand the redistricting committee has developed a nonpartisan proposed map for Colorado House & Senate that is balanced and fair. I also am aware that Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz are lobbying for a map that will ensure Republican domination in the state assembly. Please reject any gerrymandering by these two commissioners that will undermine the nonpartisan map.

Svata M Louda

Commission: both

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 10, 2021


I am writing to encourage you to continue your process for a transparent, nonpartisan designation of districts, both legislative and congressional. Please, please, please resist the pressure being exerted by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz to gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP. You represent the voters of this state who chose to pursue a non-partisan revamping of legislative and congressional districts. The aim is to enfranchise ALL voters to have an equal say in the policies and representatives that govern us. Your responsibility is to insure that outcome, and the best way to do that is to support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Resist the pressure to go back to the old ways of doing things where the party in power, or the party with the most leverage, was able to gerrymander maps to over-represent one side or the other. I look forward to the future where each Coloradoan has an equal opportunity to influence our policies. Per your request, I would define my "community of interest" to be defined by the fact that I am an educated woman who lives in a rural resort area who cares about the quality of life (environmental as well as social) for each of us. As a naturalized citizen, I am particularly sensitive to the promises of our democracy, including that each individual has a right and responsibility to be heard through the political process. Thank you for fighting for democracy and its values!

Roger Cox

Commission: both

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 09, 2021


In the spirit of the new independent Colorado re districting process and maps, I oppose recent and ongoing last minute attempts at gerrymandering those maps by Commissioner Barnett and Kottwitz. Please keep the process transparent and vote to APPROVE the STAFF RECOMMENDED MAPS which have gone through an extensive evaluation and public comment process. They are fair and equitable to all political parties.

Evony McKenna

Commission: both

Zip: 80904

Submittted: October 09, 2021


Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Janet Smith

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80863

Submittted: October 09, 2021


Reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Linda L Mulka

Commission: both

Zip: 81211-9509

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I encourage the commission to submit the maps currently approved by the nonpartisan members. Do not be influenced by the opaque partisan influences of Barnett and Kottwitz. The independent commission was created because Coloradans did not want to be a gerrymandered state like so many others. The congressional districts probably already lean Republican based on on Colorado's registered voters and recent elections. Transparency needs to be maintained. Thank you.

Brenda Sebern

Commission: both

Zip: 81201

Submittted: October 09, 2021


I write in support of the proposed redistricting maps drawn by non-partisan staff currently under consideration by the full board of commissioners. I oppose recent and ongoing last minute attempts at gerrymandering those maps by Commissioner Barnett and Kottwitz. Please keep the process transparent and vote to approve the staff recommendations which have gone through an extensive evaluation and public comment process. They are fair and equitable to all political parties.

Bonnie Soman

Commission: both

Zip: 80231

Submittted: October 09, 2021


Stop the madness! It's time that you reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Beverly Angehrn

Commission: both

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 09, 2021


Please a stand for transparency by rejecting any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts for the GOP and reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. It certainly feels like our federal government is overtaken by deals made in the shade. Let's at least work to keep our government transparent at the state level. Beverly Angehrn

JoAnne Allen

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81236

Submittted: October 09, 2021


To the Commissioners: The redistricting maps proposed by Commissioners Barnet and Kottwitz have been influenced by illegal lobbying and seek to promote partisan gerrymandering, in conflict with the intentions of the voters of Colorado. I urge you to reject the partisan maps being promoted by Kottwitz and Barnet and instead promote the maps recommended by your non-partisan staff. The staff maps were developed using a transparent process with extensive evaluation and public input. Please support the staff recommended maps and reject the partisan gerrymander of the Barnet and Kottwitz maps.